. @pk_zero
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. @pk_zero
This account has been suspended.

Joseph @josephtheelf Really? I thought that with the Chao Editor they had found everything...

. @pk_zero
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. @pk_zero
This account has been suspended.

Joseph @josephtheelf The Adventure games are my favorite of the Sonic Games

Joseph @josephtheelf
Joseph @josephtheelf
Welp, I’m fucked... I have no way to get to a convention today as the person taking me stopped responding...

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar Ya cant get a Lyft ir a uber?

Joseph @josephtheelf No

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar Damn thats lame

Joseph @josephtheelf I know, and I was gonna meet Tatum

Joseph @josephtheelf
Joseph @josephtheelf
I have returned... New phone!

Neko Genos✨Saiyan^w^♡ @huntergirl
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Neko Genos✨Saiyan^w^♡ @huntergirl

Haha nyaa^^

kuroshiro_2573 @kuroshiro_2573 In my case, anime usually looks like constant murder and blood on the screen, but they are cool with it regardless.

Joseph @josephtheelf
Joseph @josephtheelf
Totally not on the verge of tears... Just finished all of Tokyo Ghoul and √A...

IHaveAbandonedMyProfile,So @isabellakittenchan
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IHaveAbandonedMyProfile,So @isabellakittenchan
I can try! :D

Joseph @josephtheelf Ok

Joseph @josephtheelf I'll msg you about it

Joseph @josephtheelf
Joseph @josephtheelf
Anyone able to do art for me? (I both suck at art and have no money)

Joseph @josephtheelf
Joseph @josephtheelf
Accurate representation of me finding food

Flash♡Beat @flashbeat
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Flash♡Beat @flashbeat
Yo what's up man!^^