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124 year old Male
Last online 10年以上 ago
No Longer Active? Well then! I play halo, not as often as i used to for Halo 3 since Halo reach was...off. But high hopes for Halo 4! Going to midnight release!
Oct 28, 12 at 9:42pm
Still haven't. My brother came over to visit and introduced me to Katamari Damacy which I've been playing a lot. Otherwise been sleeping and doing some homework.
Asupon ❥ @asupon left a comment for NoLongerActive
Oct 27, 12 at 11:51pm
You know it would be awesome to meet at next local con! ^_^
Asupon ❥ @asupon left a comment for NoLongerActive
Oct 27, 12 at 11:36pm
It is the fun part after all and plus its a good challenge too! So I totally agree :D
Oct 26, 12 at 12:24pm
We have an anime and cosplay club, I just have class when they are going. I went last night since my class finished early though, and now recovering from a headache since I'm sensitive to watching too much on a screen sometimes. We watched 6 different EPA from shows I haven't seen yet, so that was good. The other thing of why I don't usually go is because no one talks to me in there when I do attend. I feel awkward then. Btw, job titles are just that--titiles. Some have a gender association but mostly they are mixed gender jobs. I have trouble dancing for anything and haven't been to a rave yet. I'd like to learn ballroom dancing, though. It's also hard for me to plan for stuff to do, esp. when I'm out with friends or whatever. I'm pretty indecisive in most cases. ^^;
Asupon ❥ @asupon left a comment for NoLongerActive
Oct 26, 12 at 8:47am
Yep I do live in SC in a town called Camden. Yesh, this is too awesome to meet someone from the same state from this site! :D And I missed Bonzai-con cause I didn't have anyone to go with there which is why I haven't been to any of the local cons; through I want to go so badly to the next one that comes around. Yes we do need to start a group locally that would will bring some of us together for sure.
Oct 25, 12 at 11:44pm
yeah it's a cool job I'm taking psychology in school I'm hoping for my own practice 6 more years of schooling and I get my doctorate.
Asupon ❥ @asupon left a comment for NoLongerActive
Oct 25, 12 at 11:21pm
Hey there, Nice to meet you btw, I just had to say hi and how are you? :D
Oct 25, 12 at 11:20pm
I go to school and I work at this place to become a psychologist I get paid for taking notes and giving my two cents on a matter also running to get my boss things he needs etc why?
Oct 25, 12 at 6:11pm
Yeah, I'll figure something out. This weekend is probably just gonna be homework and projects for me, pretty boring. Sounds like you'll have fun though. I check on pets a lot when I'm at home because my dad and brother barely get around to it. Hopefully things won't be too bad.