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jørgen >:D

27 year old Male
Last online 9年弱 ago
Renn @neeki left a comment for jørgen >:D
Jan 11, 15 at 2:04pm
lol my cat goes on a rampage aswel when she gets ignored to much, she starts jumping all over the place and tries to attack ur legs if you walk past her ^_^ so cute
Renn @neeki left a comment for jørgen >:D
Jan 11, 15 at 5:26am
that's why they are awesome! they are cuddly, but have a mind of their own and will mess your face up with their nails when they feel like it XD meow
Renn @neeki left a comment for jørgen >:D
Jan 11, 15 at 2:33am
oh yes! i want to be like the crazy catlady when i get old and have like a billion cats :3 nyan
Renn @neeki left a comment for jørgen >:D
Jan 10, 15 at 1:56pm
gogo viking blood /o/
Renn @neeki left a comment for jørgen >:D
Jan 10, 15 at 11:48am
lol I just noticed i posted on my own wall instead of yours =_= *blondemoment* atm i'm rly into dragon age inquisition ^^ i'm a big rpg fan :)
Renn @neeki left a comment for jørgen >:D
Jan 10, 15 at 11:21am
Renn @neeki left a comment for jørgen >:D
Jan 10, 15 at 10:17am
lol that's aight, I understand everything you type so it's all chill :3
Renn @neeki left a comment for jørgen >:D
Jan 10, 15 at 9:18am
a little yeah ^_^ our music taste is pretty similar. I'll listen to pretty much any type of metal. symphonic and folk metal being my favs atm. AT times I also go ghei and listen to some seriously girly anime songs XD
Renn @neeki left a comment for jørgen >:D
Jan 09, 15 at 8:50pm
pretty much the same :o though I don't work atm, but i prolly will again in a bit when my health gets better-ish ^^
Renn @neeki left a comment for jørgen >:D
Jan 09, 15 at 4:00pm
soooo what other things keep you busy? apart from all your horse activities? ^^