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39 year old Male
Last online 10年以上 ago
New Hamburg, Canada
My self-summary

I'm a guy who likes entering the mind of an author and finding out what they think they know. I like watching shows on science and math because it makes me feel smart. I like playing Tetris on the highest difficulty. I like walks alone to the late night store to buy a bottle of water I didn't need... but it makes the walk feel like it had a point. I like waking up to find its raining. I like that moment in movies when the hero changes inside. I like discovering there is still pizza left in the fridge from the night before. I like thrift store jackets. I like when the digital clock reads "3:33".

I like how you're reading this.

What I’m doing with my life

I do work for environmental non-profits. I design posters, infographics and make illustrations. It's wonderfully rewarding.
I’m really good at
Drawing. Digital art. Making connections between topics.
The first things people usually notice about me
That I'm positive.

Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food

I primarily read books. Here are some I'm reading right now:

Around the Writers Block by Rosanene Bane
Reinventing Comics by Scott McCloud
Woman and Money by Suze Orman

Older favorites include "Daring Greatly" by Brene Brown, "The Artists Way" by Julia Cameron, "Cognitive Surplus" by Clay Shirky and "A Theory of Fun for Game Design" by Raph Koster.

Movies: Bedazzled, Nausicaa, Gattaca, The Chase, Amelie, Oliver and Company, Tekonkinkreet

Food: I am a vegan. I don't mind killing animals ... I swat flies all the time... I just do it for environmental reasons. I also don't eat or drink caffeine because I had a really bad experience with it once.

Music: Daft Punk, Madeon, Circlesquare, The Darkness, Chicane, Above and Beyond, Tiesto, Chiptunes, Dubstep, Electro, Two Steps From Hell, Angel Ace, John Williams, Zelda, mario and metal gear music.

I love youtube and I am a nerdfighter. DFTBA! I also love Dr James Grime's videos on maths.

The six things I could never do without

Pain, anger, fear, shame, restlessness, doubt.(These things get me off my ass.)

I spend a lot of time thinking about

How crazy is it that every single person you consider dating had a childhood... some sort of support going through grade school... awkward teenage years... maybe heart breaks... disappointments... victories... they are healthy enough to have survived to be here... they had an education enough to learn to read and use the internet... they HAVE the internet... And they're giving some of their finite attention on planet earth to you.

On a typical Friday night I am

Expanding my mind by reading a book or watching BBC Horizon or wasting my life on Doodle or Die.

The most private thing I’m willing to admit

I don't use facebook.

I’m looking for

Girls who like guys
Ages 21–33
Near me
Who are single
For long-term dating

You should message me if

You really want to make my day!
Jul 3-4
Jul 30-31
Aug 23-26
Aug 28-31