"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh

This one time when I was six, I was playing with my cousins at the pool and I didn't know what a "Deep End" Was, so I went a little closer to that area because my aunt was on a float over that area, but then I started drowning and I was hopping on one foot because I was one inch away from the shallow end, but I did not have enough power to move over, so I kept hopping up for air and to get my mom's attention but it didn't work until she noticed and told my older cousin to help get me out with her and they pulled me out the water, and I threw up a lot of water, and learned to never go near where the adults are In steep pools as a kid. I also had no clue what the numbers meant so I thought they were just about the measurement of the pool, It feels great how I remember that day and it still makes me afraid even though I won't drown anymore since I'm old enough...Great memories.

"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh

The second I checked the message I thought you were gonna blow up the cat.

Highway Curly @forgetmenot
Highway Curly @forgetmenot

More than anything, make sure it watches plenty of Hello Kitty. Kira had Killer Queen watch, and just looked at that Chadstand that emerged!

"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh

I just tried that in a kira cosplay and got bit by the dog, but I took the cat home with me
Floran's Manly Dropoff

Highway Curly @forgetmenot
commented on
Floran's Manly Dropoff
Highway Curly @forgetmenot

ademthejoestar @ademthejoestar
left a comment for
"Theres a bug on the ground-"
ademthejoestar @ademthejoestar

"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
My Death Is Gonna Be Tripping On A Pebble

Rain @rainx
commented on
Rain @rainx

"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh

All I've Been Taught.
I can never stick to a religion

Highway Curly @forgetmenot
commented on
I can never stick to a religion
Highway Curly @forgetmenot

You could totally be like moi and worship Dio-sama! ... Okay okay, real talk. I grew up with Christians, but even as a kid, I could never agree with it... And so bout half my life I've spent looking for something to believe in. No existing religion strikes my fancy. Tiring, sure, but never dull. Point is, finding where your faith lies can be one hell of a Bizarre Adventure. Everyone should have something to believe, so take your time in finding your faith. We humans are only capable of so much, so take it a day at a time if you have to. But don't ever be afraid to question what you've been taught. We may need it in order to truly grow.

"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
Poor Chocolucci bro, vanilla Ice got home while he was making an edit for his fans...

Highway Curly @forgetmenot
Highway Curly @forgetmenot
I'm making hot cocoa outta that fool

"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh

"Watashi No Nara Kira Yoshikage, Nende sanjiu Sansei, Jitaku morioh cho hok to una des"

Highway Curly @forgetmenot
left a comment for
"Theres a bug on the ground-"
Highway Curly @forgetmenot

"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
"Theres a bug on the groun @jolyne_cujoh
"Dog Nigga"....run that back, run that back, this is a real anime???
Last one to post here wins

nealrigga @nealrigga
commented on
Last one to post here wins
nealrigga @nealrigga