ericxel @ecka_chii
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ericxel @ecka_chii
Hi there!

buklau @buklau
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buklau @buklau
Hey man I saw your thing about a chat system? Well I made a site like MO and it kicks MO's ass. They stopped developin MO and now its become a monetized product. join aianime.co.uk I am the owner and founder.

suzuki_yachiyama @suzuki_yachiyama
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suzuki_yachiyama @suzuki_yachiyama
I'd have to say To Zanarkand from Final Fantasy X

suzuki_yachiyama @suzuki_yachiyama
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suzuki_yachiyama @suzuki_yachiyama
cool. I think piano is a great instrument to learn. It helps you to use both parts of your brain.

suzuki_yachiyama @suzuki_yachiyama
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suzuki_yachiyama @suzuki_yachiyama
Yeah, it's kind of hard to learn but once you get the feel and emotion of it then it's extremely fun to play.

jay2coolfau11 @jay2coolfau11
jay2coolfau11 @jay2coolfau11
I have not had a conversation with any people on this site in so long. Add me on my facebook and we'll talk. If you want to Skype that works just fine too.

Iggy @iggy
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Iggy @iggy
Yeah, that is a problem lol, but at least on Mondays I can have anime at school because of anime club. lol. Ah cool, I stopped reading Naruto after Shounen Jump went digital. I need to do some catching up, lol

bellableubelle @bellableubelle
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bellableubelle @bellableubelle
Um Thanks? I'm Bella.

Iggy @iggy
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Iggy @iggy
Nothing much, you? And I'm Iggy. :3

marishka @marishka
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marishka @marishka
haha thanks! Nice to meet you too :)and Thank You .