Izumi25X @izumi25x
Izumi25X @izumi25x
Anyone who is friends with me... If you read my wall... Fairy Tail 464... I want to cry at how epic it was... I can not wait till it gets animated... I had a feeling and I was right about what Natsu was hiding... Though, who uses a trump card at the beginning?!
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower woah don't tell me just yet, I need to read it
Izumi25X @izumi25x
Izumi25X @izumi25x
Hey it is Wed Nov 25 and 9:42 pm (2142 hours) where I am in NYC. Anyone reading this, are you getting a full moon tonight? It looks so beautiful and luminescent and big and round...
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower yea the moon looks really pretty
Izumi25X @izumi25x
Izumi25X @izumi25x
That moment when you realize you were the only one making an effort to keep a conversation going. That moment when you talk to someone daily and then stop once you realize you initiated every single conversation and you want to test if they will ever start one with you. That moment when this happens with every single conversation in your life from texts to Facebook messages to other social media messages. The only exceptions are when people need your help with something, or (with text) family wondering where you are. It's reasons like this that make me want to become a hermit or hikikomori...
yuki282 @yuki282
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yuki282 @yuki282
Thanks for the friend request
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
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❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
I see
Izumi25X @izumi25x
Izumi25X @izumi25x
I am testing to see if this posting works like Facebook or Twitter. I have no clue if anyone not on my friends list will even see this...