hellfireprince @hellfireprince
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hellfireprince @hellfireprince
Mainly to make some new friends, maybe find that special someone ^^ Its nice to be able to talk about anime and not have someone look at you like O.o and actually know what your talking about. That and people one these sites tend to have a better sense of humor then most ^^ how about yourself?
hellfireprince @hellfireprince
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hellfireprince @hellfireprince
Awesomesauce :D and Will do! :3
hellfireprince @hellfireprince
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hellfireprince @hellfireprince
LoL Awesomeness :D I'm sure If I like Power Rangers -and still do, the old school ones that is- I will most likely love that show, and is also why I want to see the live action show of Sailormoon ^^; It totally has a similar feel to it ^^ AND You can actually see and understand why no one is able to tell who the sailor scouts are rather then just going, "Wait...so no one can tell just because they have sailor uniforms on?! SERIOUSLY?!" XD
tae_fansick @djlee6
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tae_fansick @djlee6
thank you much~!
hellfireprince @hellfireprince
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hellfireprince @hellfireprince
I have a friend here that absolutely loves that show, he talks about it all the time ^^ I told him that I would check it out when I could ^^ and that is awesomeness :D
hellfireprince @hellfireprince
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hellfireprince @hellfireprince
well I like a lot of things -due to not getting out much lol- I like to sing, draw, goof off with friends, going out and doing random things, watch movies, spend time with my son, go on walks, lots of random talking -yes I use random a lot sorry lol- I try to play my keyboard every now and then. It just really depends on the subject and whats going on at the time ^^
cherryfame @cherryfame
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cherryfame @cherryfame
alright :3
hellfireprince @hellfireprince
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hellfireprince @hellfireprince
^-^ neato and glad we agree lol
cherryfame @cherryfame
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cherryfame @cherryfame
i was angry about some shit going on o-e
hellfireprince @hellfireprince
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hellfireprince @hellfireprince
Yea I think all forms of drawing is art, thats why its called that because there are so many different types and everyone enjoys all types. ^^ Yea my dad was military and way more of a man then what most of the guys are now a days because of the crap they had as role models in the day. x.x