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Riideg @riideg left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 04, 11 at 10:18pm
Anything Italian or something from an Americanized Chinese place lol. What about you?
Riideg @riideg left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 04, 11 at 9:16pm
That sounds pretty cool :D
Yup, no problem ^_^ Yes, guinea pigs are super-cute >_< I love when they get really talkative =D LOL your cat sounds like a cute ball of fun >_< That's interesting, my grandma's cat also likes to nibble her plant leaves =0 I wonder if they crave veggies sometimes..? What really shocked us was when her cat once tried to pluck out some needles from a cactus plant 0_0 we just watched and were like: OMG 0_0 apparently, her cat gets bored very easily so we moved that plant away the moment it happened XD (although the cat successfully removed a needle XD). Wow, too many to list, but off the top of my head, I like Harry Potter movies ^_^ fantasy, comedy, romance/drama, some artsy movies XD how about you, do you have favorites?
Riideg @riideg left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 04, 11 at 7:40pm
Nah, my school is pretty small so we don't have much like that. But at my old school I was in a Japanese culture club for a while.
Krarktel @krarktel left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 04, 11 at 7:20pm
Lol sweet, wish there were more stores like that around but at least it's something XD. I don't normally buy incence but I don't mind the scents they bring either.
Riideg @riideg left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 04, 11 at 7:20pm
History is only fun when you have a great teacher haha.
Krarktel @krarktel left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 04, 11 at 6:51pm
I kind of do and kind of don't actually, but I do tend to look for different anime stores as well as any kind of store that sells hispanic or asian items, there is one at the mall here in town that I've recently gone to that has a bunch of buddha statues and other items from clothes to decorations and such. I tend to wander around the mall if I can do so with friends or I just go in and get what I need reletively quickly. How about you?
Krarktel @krarktel left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 04, 11 at 6:43pm
Would probably enjoy doing that then lol.
Krarktel @krarktel left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 04, 11 at 6:29pm
Oh wow, that sounds awesome. Might have to try it one time if I find a place near here. I've also been to a place called Cebolla's and Flat top grill as well. I just love what they do there, and the last time I went there it was my B-day and I actually had a free sunday because of it too.
Krarktel @krarktel left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 04, 11 at 5:44pm
Lol I do actually but I can't remember the names at the moment XD. They were mostly those that my dad brought me to try with him and I happened to enjoy, I've actually went to a japanese restaurant before and happened to like the sushi sampler meal. The place was called Asakusa if you've ever heard of it. Was funny when I tried it though, my dad said that I had tried all the strong flavors first when I wanted to pause, and after he said that I continued eating it all lol.