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29 year old Male
Last online 14日 ago
I'm direct and brutally honest. Stubborn as well. Apparently I put a lot of thinking into seemingly superficial questions, answering them in a level of seriousness that's surprising to a lot of people. It usually results in interesting conversations though so it's not a bad thing I think. I'm generally a fun person though, I swear!
I am doing well cosplaying as a functional adult.
I'm a teacher who used to work with handicapped but now works with non-native speakers (I'm German). Just out of a relationship of 6 years.

I get that I have an unique voice a lot. Picked up a little bit of voice acting as a result of it, though I don't do as much these days anymore. If you're an audiophile though idm indulging.

I am obviously into weeb-stuff (as a result of getting into voice-acting funnily enough, not the other way round). Fate is my heartblood, in general I prefer fantasy however. I love both Mushoku Tensei and Frieren, unbelievable how these two masterpieces came out so recently.
VNs, LNs and games are all things I partake in.

Looking for someone with whom I can drool over cute anime girls..

Spend a lot of time playing TTRPGs (5e and Pathfinder, though interested in some more weeb-oriented systems or games) and am an avid human fighter enjoyer. Love me tolkienesque fantasy with elves and dwarves and the indominatable human spirit.
I do very seldom LARP as well and do some sports in the homegym. Mind and body blabla.
lowkey looking for someone to get drunk with over discord.

I listen to a lot of irish folk, punk folk, shanties (and most other kinds of folk as well; nordic, finnish, polish, russian, mongolian, japanese just to name a few). Most other genres as well though. I love to sing along (it's easy with english and german folk) and I've heard from multiple people that they liked me singing (I'm shy about it though and still think they're just saying it out of courtesy).

Mostly spend my time these days playing Gachas (F/GO, BlueAka, Star Rail), wouldn't mind picking Genshin back up if I had someone to play with.
As you can see I speak English and German and after multiple attempts over the years I am currently in a good run learning japanese as well (for obvious reasons, given where we are). I love monologuing over things, I like dialogue as well of course but reportedly I am also a very good listener. I'd consider myself a very open and upfront person, so don't shy away from saying hi (that is if I don't chat you up before!), for whatever reason. I'd like to find romance here, but I don't really expect it to happen anytime soon so for the time being I am mostly interested in good chats!