Tiger(furry)(Oliver) @cutewolfboybuddy
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Tiger(furry)(Oliver) @cutewolfboybuddy
This account has been suspended.

hazard10 @hazard10 Is that good or bad?

hazard10 @hazard10 Is that good or bad?

hazard10 @hazard10
hazard10 @hazard10
It was sort of a magical girl show but instead of being like sailor moon it was about how the five girls were chosen to protect a magical alternate dimension from the evil tyrant that ruled over it and then later other alternate dimensions from the tyrant and an evil sorceress that was like the girls once a chosen.
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hazard10 @hazard10
hazard10 @hazard10

Hey for everyone who watched the show W.I.T.C.H. please help sign this petition it needs less then 200 people to sign it and we might get a 3rd season www.thepetitionsite.com/219/094/466/witch-season-3

The Pervy Otaku @choicemoonbee I used to watch this and Winx Now there an actually live version of Winx I hope they do the same for W. I. T. C. H

hazard10 @hazard10
hazard10 @hazard10

Hey I found some pics of me in some costumes

hazard10 @hazard10
hazard10 @hazard10
I'm kinda shy and making this account was kinda nerve wracking for me but if any girls want to try and get to know me please message me

salute_your_shorts @salute_your_shorts
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salute_your_shorts @salute_your_shorts
fuckin shave bro

hazard10 @hazard10
hazard10 @hazard10
Hi I'm new : )