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ICloud, Malawi
‎‎ @saberwing left a comment for Lishifu
Jul 01, 19 at 10:24am
Also, yes....you're right, there is quite a variety in terms of ethical groups. We may hold the biggest territory in the world as a single-state nation, but there's just not enough of us to cover the entire land. xD Thing is....sure, we do have some immigrants (mostly from China because of friendly relations between our countries). But, most of the "non-Russians" are actually people native to the land (much like Native Americans). Meaning that we may have conquered those lands in the past, and they "belong" to us now, but it was home to those people to begin with. Siberia and such wasn't entirely empty when Russian Empire claimed it y'know, there were people who had nothing to do with us. Now in modern times, they just kind of blended in. They are considered "Russians" legally of course these days, but there is no blood relation between us in the slightest. As for me, no....I do not have a problem with them. I understand the hatred and grudges between these groups because of history but.... That was history.... What our ancestors did hundreds of years ago should not be our responsibility.... It is what it is....if anything, our generation should make sure these events never repeat themselves. Not blame each other for things that happened WAY before even our parents were born.... I mean, imagine doing something horrible, and then letting your grandchildren take all the credit and responsibility for it later. Sounds pretty dumb right? Yet that's exactly what's happening these days....
‎‎ @saberwing left a comment for Lishifu
Jul 01, 19 at 9:50am
Haha, not when you're a self-sufficient Siberian who doesn't need no government to provide anything. Stalin took everything from my great-grandpa's family for going against him. Imprisoned his father for life (he got out later), left his mother on the streets and forbid him and his siblings to study or work. How they survived was simple, our land is one of the last few remaining places with nature completely untouched by humans, which means there's more than enough food and clean water all around you outside the cities. So they literally just built themselves a new house, eventually started making money again in secret by farming and lived on. Ye....I'm mostly Northern Slavic (a.k.a. Russian). Blue eyes, golden brown hair, eternally grumpy face of disapproval. Pretty much typical look for us, when you ignore my alien choice of clothing and hairstyle etc. xD However, a lot of my ancestors were apparently Cossacks. Which were basically these independent nomads, who later became infamous and feared for their military power in most of the major old European conflicts including Napoleonic Wars and even the First World War, since they were basically given a choice by the Tzar of that time to either join and fight for Russian Empire or die. I guess....that might explain my short temper, sometimes really bad manners, and my inability to compromise. Since my ancient family basically did nothing else but fight their entire lives as pseudo-slaves for generations....LOL I do try my best to not be a TOTAL douche, because some people just deserve to be treated well. Many people these days however, are very difficult not to explode upon. So to those cases....sorry not sorry. https://discordemoji.com/assets/emoji/doesnt_need_money_mokou.png And yeah....I do apologize for disappearing like that. I basically gave up on this site since most people I know here either left or I have them added somewhere else. I might stay here for a while, but if you have anything else I'll gladly talk to you there.
Enki sees the All!!
OrangeMilk @orangemilk left a comment for Lishifu
Jun 30, 19 at 7:06pm
"People like me are often misunderstood by total strangers, we are aloof and reserved loners who hesitate to build relations with ppl" That just got to me on the deepest level. Ditto.
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Lishifu
Jun 30, 19 at 12:28pm
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Lishifu
Jun 29, 19 at 11:05am
Not sure how burdock fits in but this is what I mean. https://assets.epicurious.com/photos/57978ae83a12dd9d56024009/2:1/w_1260%2Ch_630/fragrant-beef-curry-with-rice.jpg
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Lishifu
Jun 29, 19 at 10:33am
I like plain white rice best. https://images.japancentre.com/recipes/pics/1149/main/original_Japanese-Breakfast-Cropped.jpg?1469573493
Lishifu @hakutaku Did you try to add one egg on the rice?
Ghost @kuharido I have had that. It's okay. I like my egg and rice separate. ^^;
Lishifu @hakutaku I tried that once!It tasted weird without Soybean sauce..
Ghost @kuharido Rice with beef stew together is good.
Lishifu @hakutaku so-called 牛丼?
Jun 28, 19 at 11:48pm
Art of ancient Slavs http://www.renegadetribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/vsevolod-ivanov-04-nd-e1273564559563.jpg
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Lishifu
Jun 28, 19 at 9:52pm
Jun 28, 19 at 3:35am