gunruk @gunruk
gunruk @gunruk
Best OG anime ever! I'm stealing this for my wallpaper now thank you kindly.
Deathgodzero's Hideout

deathgodzero @deathgodzero
commented on
Deathgodzero's Hideout
deathgodzero @deathgodzero


deathgodzero @deathgodzero I love this show! And np! :)

gunruk @gunruk
gunruk @gunruk
This is one of my favorite hype songs

gunruk @gunruk
gunruk @gunruk
Lol like it's trying to be intimidating but just makes it cuter
Shared content unavailable.

lei_maiotaku @amarantha (*/////*)

gunruk @gunruk
gunruk @gunruk
What anime?

gunruk @gunruk
gunruk @gunruk
I like the secondary cat monitor for your laptop you got there. 60hrz or 120 refresh rate? Either way displays very nice colors I must say.
Post your Cats

Audio-senpai @audiosenpai
commented on
Post your Cats
Audio-senpai @audiosenpai

gunruk @gunruk
gunruk @gunruk
Great anime and soundtract.
What Are You Listening To Right Now?
ChiariChibi @chiarichibi
commented on
What Are You Listening To Right Now?
ChiariChibi @chiarichibi

gunruk @gunruk
gunruk @gunruk
Hopefully that dynamic will change for you but it will take action to do so. Be it subtle or direct I wish you the best of luck with it because family is important and being able to speak freely is a blessing all should have.
Empicca's Territory

lei_maiotaku @amarantha
commented on
Empicca's Territory
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
https://media.tenor.com/TeDLSpDfcaQAAAAC/anime-eating.gif So annoying how most of the time if I wanna talk to my parents I feel like I gotta have an appointment or be a PWD so I be catered asap.

lei_maiotaku @amarantha I doubt. My parents are busy bees. It has been like that ever since. It does not happen all the time tho, I respect that. I respect their work and their will to provide for the family. And it does not matter much unless I have essential or urgent stuff to tell them too. But I'm unbothered or at least growing up I have learned to deal with it.

gunruk @gunruk
gunruk @gunruk
Love that song. Invokes such emotions within. Plus the guy did a beautiful cover of it.
Empicca's Territory

lei_maiotaku @amarantha
commented on
Empicca's Territory
lei_maiotaku @amarantha

lei_maiotaku @amarantha S A M E :’) ❣️✨

gunruk @gunruk
gunruk @gunruk
How I lived my early 20s lol.

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
Aka-san @redhawk

gunruk @gunruk
gunruk @gunruk
Must create formulas...what was the cell/page range again?!
Whatcha doin?!?

RT @rtae86
commented on
Whatcha doin?!?
RT @rtae86
Melting my eyes working in Excel.