Koneko Toujou @girlcool113
Koneko Toujou @girlcool113

*Suddenly awoken by a group of grown men lewding her*

Claude Faustus @marato
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Koneko Toujou
Claude Faustus @marato
two beautiful choices, you look absolutely stunning

Maddie-chan @kyonsuzumiya
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Koneko Toujou
Maddie-chan @kyonsuzumiya
Heyyy! ^-^ nice to meet you! Also I notice you put the lyrics of Renai Circulation in your info! X3 how are you doing? What are your hobbies?

sandehr @sandehr
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Koneko Toujou
sandehr @sandehr
Hey, thanks for accepting!

Claude Faustus @marato
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Koneko Toujou
Claude Faustus @marato
You are here by hired by the Trancy household and should strive to be a true Trancy maid

MrRuku @mrruku
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Koneko Toujou
MrRuku @mrruku
Hello *waves* how’s it going? :) Sooo what bring you to this neck of the woods XD ^_^ and WOW that a very nice Anime collection you have there as well, a lot of good ones too *thumbs up* ;)

Koneko Toujou @girlcool113
Koneko Toujou @girlcool113

AHHHHHH Jar is the cutest yuri pairing ever!(Janna x Star from Star vs the Forces of evil)

Maddie-chan @kyonsuzumiya That is so adorable!! >~<

Dots @dots
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Koneko Toujou
Dots @dots
Hey ^^

Koneko Toujou @girlcool113
Koneko Toujou @girlcool113
Good morning you lovely weebs!

alois trancy @aloistrancyfaustus
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Koneko Toujou
alois trancy @aloistrancyfaustus

Hey ^^