Well I guess you could say I'm an Otaku living in an area where no Otaku go. I grew up kinda outcast as an anime fan and gamer and always stood out. But nothing has changed, and I like the way I am and will not change for anyone. Been a fan since the early 90s and will continue until the end. I came on here to attempt to meet someone like me who has a sense of humor and shares at least a few of my interests - which would be a first for me. I don't have many friends into Anime and have Never dated a girl who was :-(
If you can't tell I'm also a gamer. I currently only own a PS3 but that will be remedied soon. I like all kinds of games but I'm always willing to drop a game to hang out with people. I guess you could say I'm a social gamer.
I'm currently working at the wonderful world of walmart in plans to transfer somewhere when its available so that I can have a job as soon as I move.
If there is anything else you want to know just ask. I love talking and I'm also a good listener ^_-
If you can't tell I'm also a gamer. I currently only own a PS3 but that will be remedied soon. I like all kinds of games but I'm always willing to drop a game to hang out with people. I guess you could say I'm a social gamer.
I'm currently working at the wonderful world of walmart in plans to transfer somewhere when its available so that I can have a job as soon as I move.
If there is anything else you want to know just ask. I love talking and I'm also a good listener ^_-