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Konoha's Shadow

Feb 25, 14 at 11:07am
Alright ^_^ I'll read it once I'm done with a supernatural novel *_* love that series so much ^_^ I used to play volleyball intill last fall when I sprained my ankle pretty bad to wear I need crutches xD mom flipped when she realized the 1st say of school I would need them to move around. Our schools really big so she thought I would get ran over >.< I used to be in magic club not because I played but I just like this one girl and she forced me to go because I was her "freshie" last year xD were good friends now and she gets me donuts :3
kikibvb @kikibvb left a comment for Konoha's Shadow
Feb 25, 14 at 12:09am
Cool! Love zombies :3 whats your pratice? Do you play a sport?
I would like one just to get around to places like barns and noble, Starbucks, and fast food places xD just simple places that annoy my parents when I drag them along ^^
kikibvb @kikibvb left a comment for Konoha's Shadow
Feb 24, 14 at 3:12pm
not really i dont really hav time anymore i started to watch kill la kill because of tumblr
kikibvb @kikibvb left a comment for Konoha's Shadow
Feb 24, 14 at 12:38am
kool XD
kikibvb @kikibvb left a comment for Konoha's Shadow
Feb 23, 14 at 9:15pm
sorry i couldnt really answer
no, I got mine when I was 14. so I've had it... and there was a while where I was driving in a empty parking lot and I got good enough where mom trusted me to drive to another parking lot so there for meaning I would have to drive on real streets. I flipped once I realized what that meant XD I was terrified of leaving the parking lot so we never left it, then winter came around that year and my parents just got lazy after that XD
The one I want to join is a private driving ed thing. My parents know someone who works at the city one that they don't want me driving with... I don't mind lines but people I'm with have to ignore my bouncing after about an hour xD I rock on my heels to toes then I'll start bouncing on my toes >.< I didn't even notice till someone said I did then I was like "oh god, I do Bounce"
yeah, I have waited forever for mine. I was put on the waiting list for 7 months! I still have about 2 out of those 7 months to go! >.<"