I can be found wondering who I am and what I am doing with my life.
I have a hard time making friends due to my unique perspectives. It is my unfulfilled desire to relate to someone to a high degree.
I want to be able to connect with people and find some sort of a like-mindedness.
Maybe I am weird for caring too much about translation accuracy of Japanese oriented media. Or self conscience about what others might think about my sense of humor while I watch things for their unintended purposes.
Perhaps I do have a few screws loose since I have fun looking at different display technology and seeing what offers a more enjoyable experience?
Regardless I want to enjoy the things that I like, and I want to share that fun feeling with someone else while they can share the same in turn. I keep trying to make friends that can do this, but more often then not I find it is not so easy to find the right people. Sure I have some friends I get along with but it is something that is missing. Maybe I am the problem since I find that I don't share a lot of the same thoughts or perspectives with others? Maybe I really am alone and there is no one else like me?
So what to actually say about me in my not so clever plans to catch an unsuspecting victim to become my friend?
Well this is a website where people where Westerners who like Japanese media of some kind come to congregate, so it should go without saying that I too like these sorts of things.
So what do I mean when I say Japanese media? All kinds of things. Video games, anime, manga, J-dramas, Kaiju films, etc... but the main thing to know is that I like to enjoy Japanese media in its original context, meaning no localization or English dubbing. I want to see it spoken in Japanese while having a more accurate translation from the Japanese while I make use of Japanese cultural knowledge to understand what I am watching/reading better. I wish to one day know the language as best as I am capable of so I no longer have to keep searching for better translations or get annoyed when I see subtitles and know that it doesn't match up accurately with what they are saying.
Now you might be wondering why the heck is this guy so obsessed over those small details? Okay maybe you weren't wondering that but I have a good explanation anyways. While I am not Asian of any sort biologically, I was raised in a town that was heavily Asian. So Asian that there were signs written in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Asian Markets were also frequented by family in my early years. So you could say living like that in my early childhood left an "impression" on me. So looking into Asian cultures more as I grew older I ended up liking what Japan had to offer the most and since then I have been forever charmed by all of this.
Other things to take note of me before I end this...
I am not an adventurous person or am particularly enthusiastic, you might think the opposite since I wrote all of those things above but I am fairly quiet.
I also like to stay home a lot. When I have gone traveling before, it's like cool I am seeing things I haven't seen before... okay now that I saw that for 2 minutes can I go back home now? It just doesn't appeal to me and I am far more content just being where I am most relaxed. Besides, sadly I am not in the best health due to genetics and injuries I have sustained, so it is for the best for me to lead my quiet sedentary life. I don't find myself to be a picky eater but I prefer to be healthier with what I eat since eating poorly could make my health worse.
I like quite a few games, especially older ones, never really got into multiplayer stuff. I like to keep what I buy and you can't keep anything you pay for in online games, so even though I have dabbled a bit in it, it just feels pointless to maintain it.
As you can tell, there is a lot I want to share about myself. But I better shut up since walls of text are intimating to a lot of people.
I just hope I can find people who won't mind chatting with a weirdo like me.
I have a hard time making friends due to my unique perspectives. It is my unfulfilled desire to relate to someone to a high degree.
I want to be able to connect with people and find some sort of a like-mindedness.
Maybe I am weird for caring too much about translation accuracy of Japanese oriented media. Or self conscience about what others might think about my sense of humor while I watch things for their unintended purposes.
Perhaps I do have a few screws loose since I have fun looking at different display technology and seeing what offers a more enjoyable experience?
Regardless I want to enjoy the things that I like, and I want to share that fun feeling with someone else while they can share the same in turn. I keep trying to make friends that can do this, but more often then not I find it is not so easy to find the right people. Sure I have some friends I get along with but it is something that is missing. Maybe I am the problem since I find that I don't share a lot of the same thoughts or perspectives with others? Maybe I really am alone and there is no one else like me?
So what to actually say about me in my not so clever plans to catch an unsuspecting victim to become my friend?
Well this is a website where people where Westerners who like Japanese media of some kind come to congregate, so it should go without saying that I too like these sorts of things.
So what do I mean when I say Japanese media? All kinds of things. Video games, anime, manga, J-dramas, Kaiju films, etc... but the main thing to know is that I like to enjoy Japanese media in its original context, meaning no localization or English dubbing. I want to see it spoken in Japanese while having a more accurate translation from the Japanese while I make use of Japanese cultural knowledge to understand what I am watching/reading better. I wish to one day know the language as best as I am capable of so I no longer have to keep searching for better translations or get annoyed when I see subtitles and know that it doesn't match up accurately with what they are saying.
Now you might be wondering why the heck is this guy so obsessed over those small details? Okay maybe you weren't wondering that but I have a good explanation anyways. While I am not Asian of any sort biologically, I was raised in a town that was heavily Asian. So Asian that there were signs written in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Asian Markets were also frequented by family in my early years. So you could say living like that in my early childhood left an "impression" on me. So looking into Asian cultures more as I grew older I ended up liking what Japan had to offer the most and since then I have been forever charmed by all of this.
Other things to take note of me before I end this...
I am not an adventurous person or am particularly enthusiastic, you might think the opposite since I wrote all of those things above but I am fairly quiet.
I also like to stay home a lot. When I have gone traveling before, it's like cool I am seeing things I haven't seen before... okay now that I saw that for 2 minutes can I go back home now? It just doesn't appeal to me and I am far more content just being where I am most relaxed. Besides, sadly I am not in the best health due to genetics and injuries I have sustained, so it is for the best for me to lead my quiet sedentary life. I don't find myself to be a picky eater but I prefer to be healthier with what I eat since eating poorly could make my health worse.
I like quite a few games, especially older ones, never really got into multiplayer stuff. I like to keep what I buy and you can't keep anything you pay for in online games, so even though I have dabbled a bit in it, it just feels pointless to maintain it.
As you can tell, there is a lot I want to share about myself. But I better shut up since walls of text are intimating to a lot of people.
I just hope I can find people who won't mind chatting with a weirdo like me.