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30 year old Male
Last online 4日 ago
rural valley, PA
Dat boi and panda I'd love to build craft sometime when I'm not running all over the damn place xD Preferably when I'm on my computer. I can type faster... much faster -.-
A good tank jungle Quinn build sounds like Chilling Smite Warrior Trinity Force Sterak's Gage Ninja Tabi/Mercury Treads Mercurial Scimitar Dead Man's Plate/Banshee's Veil depending on whether they're mostly AP or AD.
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 inb4 everything gets nerfed like black cleaver
Mar 06, 17 at 12:51am
haha nah man you're fine i think split push quinn jungle would be better. you can push out a lane and quickly fly back to your team, or even keep going. They would need to send more than one person your way since with your E it makes it hard to get a good trade off on you in a 1v1.
... sterak's gage and maw of malmortius don't stack plus why build steraks without tri force?
"quinn tank jungler" fuck is quinn tank jungler? I used to think Trinity Force is a good idea because of the phage plus your passive and the sheen with your passive but is there really a tank build?
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 throw a frozen mallet on quinn...thats the only thing i can think of that would make sense
Mar 05, 17 at 12:14pm
Quinn adc isnt all that bad tbh. I think quinn can pretty much play any position depending on the match up. Ik for sure to use her when someone pick darius. As a darius main XD i know she is a pain to play against unless you build armor and get ahead
Yes I know she is top/jungle I mained her for a while in top and sometimes jungle but mostly top cause once you get ahead you can wander WITH your jungler and get the other lanes ahead. ANYWAY AATROX REWORK WTFFF IM SO HYPE BOUTTA WATCH REDMERCY'S VIDEO
Does NB3 say danke or something? I was watching his stream yesterday to see him get rekt as Varus because he can't play Draven. ADC in 2K17? I play Draven so it's not a problem xD. Ezreal's also pretty savage. I like Varus, Kalista, Tristana, and Quinn but they aren't good in ADC role atm. ;-;
danke danke :D
•^.^• thank you
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