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37 year old Male
Last online 約12年 ago
Kiyomi x Metalcore. @vishia left a comment for Fla5h
Oct 16, 10 at 10:50am
I write a lot of poetry, really. I guess yo can say it keeps me sane. The broad definition came from a webcomic called The Devil's Panties. It's a really good "journal" comic, I should say. Defines me perfectly. I dress like a girly girl (sometimes) but I'm really into hardcore movies and videogames that give you vertigo.
otoburikid @otoburikid left a comment for Fla5h
Oct 14, 10 at 6:11am
cool bro, so glad you didnt ask something like "how can you write all the time?" or something close to that, I just find i weird that so many people cant write a script or a novel
I seem to pick difficult outfits a lot lol but if i did pick zelda my little brother would come with me to a convention as link which would be fun. but my sewing skills still leave much to be desired lol i would like to learn enough to maybe someday take commisions but that will be a while from now. Like my first thing i sewed was a pleated skirt and now im moving up to a full lolita dress. Im trying to push myself more with each new costume. But ill be glad to help in any way i can ^^
otoburikid @otoburikid left a comment for Fla5h
Oct 13, 10 at 9:29pm
my inspiration to write alone? well I've always had a knack for it really, I get the urge to write when something inspires me to write really, when an idea comes to me I think it out in my head and then put it on paper. Unlike most people I find writing to be second nature to me and I only get stuck when im bored really, my brain doesnt function right when im bored and my work suffers for it. But everyone is different, I write because I love to write and make up my own worlds and characters. some people do it for the money or other reasons, if you really wanna write just find out why you wanna write
Lol i dont mind it being long. Umm not sure where I want to work yet. Im just trying to get through school XD my sister is trying out video game design and the math stuff she brings home would make me go crazy >.< umm i only go to 2 conventions as im too poor to travel too far from home. they r AWA (which i highly recommend) and momocon. My list of cosplays include lolita, KOS-MOS, bayonetta, sakura haruno, princess zelda, and wedding yuna!!
Yeah my first time cosplaying XD it was fun but I sewed it all myself which was so difficult. but i felt better knowing I made it ^^ Do you have a cosplay to-do list? and yes how could i have forgotten dragon age 2!! at least i know someone who can remind me about it lol
otoburikid @otoburikid left a comment for Fla5h
Oct 13, 10 at 8:36pm
I have many stories written already I plan to start a publishing company one day, but as for right now a manga im trying to get published is called "con-artist" though my drawing skills arent up to par just yet so im looking for a skilled artist with time on their hands to help me out.
Yeah the rest of my gaming family loves the gameplay more so they think im the weird one for likeing the cutscenes but we all know they r the weird ones lol I hadnt really had a clue of the next rpg id want to play till yesterday actually. I believe its called Resonance of Fate. I dont know much about it but the little synopsis of it held promise. any you're looking forward to?
Horizons @horizons left a comment for Fla5h
Oct 13, 10 at 7:36pm
Thanks for the add!
Hey, thanks for the add ^^