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37 year old Female
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kurokame @kurokame left a comment for FayelinnBlair
Sep 13, 10 at 10:05am
wow at the very least I have absolute faith that I'm dam hansome. Even though I know there's always room for improvement. and as fair as girls go Im from the school of though that every girl in this world is beautful until................
kurokame @kurokame left a comment for FayelinnBlair
Sep 12, 10 at 10:17pm
a cute girl should be able to take a compliment, another indirect hit, if you havnt dropped dead. I was wondering if you had any cosplaying pic, cant really tell when I m on my phone I can't see everything and your profile does mention several characters. Its alway interesting to see peoples home made costumes.
kurokame @kurokame left a comment for FayelinnBlair
Sep 12, 10 at 9:13pm
well those words are particularly awful and awe filled. awful and awe filled to similar words with quiet different meanings. Then again if and indirect cute is a shocker then a direct compliment might kill you. Funny concept death by pleasantries, literally killing with kindness.
kurokame @kurokame left a comment for FayelinnBlair
Sep 12, 10 at 3:42am
Then again I calls them as I sees them,so dont take offence. To the occasional indirect compliment.
kurokame @kurokame left a comment for FayelinnBlair
Sep 11, 10 at 9:34pm
Yes i agree horrible hate speech unsuitable for civilized conversation. espacailly when used insincere the play on both ego and insecurity
kurokame @kurokame left a comment for FayelinnBlair
Sep 11, 10 at 9:24pm
Then again there a worst things to be called than cute, there's beautiful then there's pretty and worst of all you have gorgeous.
kurokame @kurokame left a comment for FayelinnBlair
Sep 11, 10 at 9:02pm
Nope never parish the thought of anything positive , passing these lips. so to speak. I mearly implied that pink hair is cute. on girls I Didnt specify that those where specifficly my feelings or to whom those thoughs pertain to. "Semantics gotta love'm"
kurokame @kurokame left a comment for FayelinnBlair
Sep 11, 10 at 8:49pm
thats the reason i threw in the god forbid a cosplayer part, along with the pink hair apraisal