ericaann @ericaann
ericaann @ericaann
There is a post I found on Tumblr not too long ago and it statend something along the lines of: If you're depressed about anything, go to the Psychology department at your local college, they may do therapy lessons there that you can do for pretty cheap. It's a good way for the students to get better experience and you get most of the help you need.
ericaann @ericaann
ericaann @ericaann
(╭╯๑ ื●益● ื๑)╭╯
ericaann @ericaann
ericaann @ericaann
ericaann @ericaann
ericaann @ericaann
I'm going to rage quit on the horrible grammar I keep seeing (╮°-°)╮┳━┳