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28 year old Female
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for Jessie
Feb 22, 19 at 2:16pm
Well I finished them already lol. They were at 2pm-4pm on Wednesday and Thursday. Now I'm free!!! Hmm.. I since you're an IT student, I would recommend "Release that Witch" over "The Human Emperor", but both are pretty good reads. Here are links to both of them if you have free time and need something to read. http://novelfull.com/release-that-witch.html http://novelfull.com/the-human-emperor.html Ah, mandatory, well I hope you pass that class w/ flying colors ^^. As for my Chinese friend, yea I'd definitely be up to meeting him, even if I was alone. I guess I feel a certain sense of camaraderie w/ him, plus I'm bigger than him, so if I had to run away, I think I could lol. Plus it's waaay more fun to be exploring another country with a local, at least I think so :-). Hmm, those sound like some awesome people. Maybe you wouldn't be so afraid if they were girls or if you could travel with one of your friends or family members? I have a lot of siblings, so I plan to do most of my traveling w/ them lol ^^. I've never heard of spatial sciences before. What do you study in that major? As for myself, I still have to decide if I want to take the exams to become an actuary after I graduate. Someday in the future, I may want to go back to school for a Master maybe as well.
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for Jessie
Feb 19, 19 at 9:02pm
Yep, so I get to relax quite a bit now. Just finished the most difficult out of the 3 exams a few hours ago. I'm kind of just relaxing and reading my webnovels and manga while studying a bit for the other two exams. I'm currently enjoying the novel "The Human Emperor". It's another one of those reincarnation webnovels from China. I enjoy it b/c there's actually some real historical events placed in the novel and the main character uses his brain more than his brawn to defeat his opponents. That class GNSS sounds quite difficult o.o. I'm surprised they are having you take that class, unless it's an elective and you were the one that wanted to take it lol. That's also a big population of foreign exchange students. I personally know only a few international students. One from China and I knew one girl from Brazil. I never knew they spoke Portuguese in Brazil, until I met that friend from Brazil o.o. My Chinese friend is pretty cool, he told me to visit if I ever was in Shanghai ^^. How about you, do you know any international students? That sounds like an interesting tradition. I hope everyone remains safe when they burn it down o.o. I was thinking that you had a festival along w/ the goat. I also noticed on your info page that you are planning to get a Physics degree after doing some traveling as well? o.O
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for Jessie
Feb 17, 19 at 9:35pm
Well I only have 3 exams and I didn't realize I didn't have an exam until the next day, so I'm kind of free for the moment. So I decided to hop on here for a while tonight and do some reading. How is it on your end, are you doing well in your studies? I remember you're also an engineering student. Do you get any foreign exchange students at your college? Over here we have a lot of foreign exchange students and we have many programs to go overseas as well. I think I mainly see Indian, Middle Eastern and Chinese students from overseas. I haaave seen a few business students who are from Germany as well. I think every 4 years or so, we also get a big group of exchange students from Brazil. Once I graduate, I hope to get a job and just get to work this summer lol. I don't think my parents would like it if I took a break, although I would like to travel to some place, like Japan or Alaska, I need some savings for that lol. Once I save enough, I can then do that. I think at the moment, I'm more looking forward to paying off my student loans than not. Oh, I also did a quick google of your town, and something called the "Gävle goat". What is that exactly, do you know?
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for Jessie
Feb 16, 19 at 6:40pm
Thanks a lot Jessie! It's only one more week ^__^. I'm always happy to hear people cheering me up... not to say that it doesn't embarrass me though ~__~ lol. I'm not really used to being cheered on by people. I'm the type that likes to be pushed through on willpower alone. Although... there was one time when I was running in a marathon and a guy came up next to me b/c I was struggling and he jogged w/ me and that motivated me a lot along w/ his encouragements to finish and reach the end, even if I did have to take breaks. Aw that's too bad about how conversations drain you. My turn to hope, so I hope that you at least gain something from these conversations ^^. Do you have your own favorite dinosaur or mythical animal? Also, I would enjoy it if I saw my favorite dinosaur again someday. It'd be even more awesome if it was like the movie "Jurrasic Park" and people could actually bring them back to life o.o
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for Jessie
Feb 15, 19 at 3:58am
I think for break, I'm going to just spend time unwinding b/c I've been quite stressed in the past two weeks. I think it's because I found out that I might not be able to graduate w/ my double degree and that I might fail two of my classes. I don't think it would matter too much to me since I'll be able to still graduate in May with at least my Software Engineering degree, so that's something to look forward to. But... now that I think of it, I might be kind of lonely during that week, so I'm not sure what I'll do. Maybe I'll throw myself into exercising and playing video games to keep the loneliness at bay. It might be the wisest choice. My schedule for next quarter is just going to have 2-3 classes, so I'll have loads of free time. I'm not sure what to do w/ myself, but I might just work on some personal coding projects and sharpen my skills to get ready for the real world professions. Talking to people can drain me of energy but it can also do the opposite, b/c while talking I tend to let my mind wander and explore the conversation. That's also why my replies are so long. Communication makes me think and I like how it's not instantaneous communication where a person is waiting for me to reply to them right away, so I can take my time to think about how I want to reply to them. My favorite dinosaur used to be the Brontosaur, then the Gigantasaurus, then the Utah Red Raptor and now... hmm... I guess I don't have a favorite dinosaur now. If I had to pick though, I might go back to the Utah Red Raptor or just go w/ the Velociraptor. I like how they're smart and strong enough to work in teams to take down larger animals. Now if you had asked about mythical animals, then I would've told you it'd be the phoenix!
Dingo @dingo left a comment for Jessie
Feb 05, 19 at 1:37pm
Hello hope i can talk to you more, uwu
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for Jessie
Feb 01, 19 at 11:10pm
I'll probably get the chance to see my nephew, maybe during the last week in February. That's when I'll have a break for switching over to the new quarter. I guess it's still too early for you to think about kids. Most people tend to start thinking about it once their in their late 20s to late 30s. I guess it's because of their biological clock and they might not be able to anymore if they try to have kids by then. I can see what you mean about when too many people talk to you. I'm kind of running into the same problem. Sometimes when I hop on here to do a single reply to people, other people just start talking to me out of the blue and I get stuck on the site for a few hours talking b/c I'm having so many conversations. On the plus side though, I do enjoy talking to many different people, b/c I get to see how life is like for someone else, just one more perspective in the is world. Plus connections are important, although like how you've mentioned they can be hard to maintain. Actually a random stranger on this site one day gave me a tedtalk to watch and it was about the quality of a person's life. In the video there was research done on a group of men from their teens to their senior years. Every so often they would be given a survey or experiment and such to complete. What the research found was that the people who had the better quality relationships w/ others, the longer they lived and the happier they lived their life. As such, I guess building good quality relationships is something we all should strive for. I think the same, but I also think that if we improve the quality "and" quantity, it would even be better. So I try to cast my net and make more pals on here each time. Usually, I will post on a few strangers' walls before I log off each time that I'm here. I think you'd enjoy going to see more museums and art galleries. That's just the kind of vibe I get off you though lol. I've gone to just a few, but they were all field trips from school. I think I like science museums better, b/c they're more interactive. Buuuut, I do love dinosaurs!
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for Jessie
Jan 26, 19 at 9:17pm
Thanks for the congrats. I look forward to seeing him the next time I visit. Do you have any nephews or nieces of your own. What about kids in general, do you get along well with them and do you want some of your own in the future? I don't really mind if you reply late. I've come to learn that I kind of prefer that since I don't hop on this site all that much and I slow replies tend to be longer replies, meaning that the person who replied is taking some thought into what they are saying in their replies. I googled that guy and he seems quite eccentric. He has a pretty cool mustache. I can definitely see aspects of his influence in the artwork that you like. I don't know if I can appreciate art as much as you. I tend to enjoy sculptures and machine art, like those perpetual motion sculptors. I kind of wish I had more opportunities to go to museums more. Do you enjoy going to museums and art galleries?
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for Jessie
Jan 26, 19 at 9:17pm
Thanks for the congrats. I look forward to seeing him the next time I visit. Do you have any nephews or nieces of your own. What about kids in general, do you get along well with them and do you want some of your own in the future? I don't really mind if you reply late. I've come to learn that I kind of prefer that since I don't hop on this site all that much and I slow replies tend to be longer replies, meaning that the person who replied is taking some thought into what they are saying in their replies. I googled that guy and he seems quite eccentric. He has a pretty cool mustache. I can definitely see aspects of his influence in the artwork that you like. I don't know if I can appreciate art as much as you. I tend to enjoy sculptures and machine art, like those perpetual motion sculptors. I kind of wish I had more opportunities to go to museums more. Do you enjoy going to museums and art galleries?
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for Jessie
Jan 25, 19 at 7:49pm
Lol, hmm... ... ... I think I'm good at introductions and greetings, but the next step to deepen one's relationship and become actual friends is the hard part for me. I'm not really afraid of going up to strangers and talking to them, but I tend to not find too much in common with others, which makes continuing the conversation hard. Or more like, it's hard for me to make jokes and put people into the right mood. I don't mind if it's getting that dry. I understand talking with others can become difficult (especially w/ me) and the conversation can become stagnant. So, I don't mind if we don't talk for a while or if you want to discuss other stuff. I can usually hold a conversation about most things, so if you have anything interesting you want to discuss, we can do that or hold off on conversations for a while lol. Actually, my mom just called and I have a new nephew. He was born yesterday at 2am I think... he's around 8lbs I think. On a side note, many members have noted that you have an impression image collection. Do you have any favorite artists or art genres?
Lishifu @hakutaku I'm also not good at making jokes and putting people into the right moods too.But telling jokes might be the best way to make acquaintances with many people here heh.My observation