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30 year old Female
Last online 10年以上 ago
Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl left a comment for emily:3
Feb 24, 13 at 10:29pm
Hey only I can call myself a derp... but ha u commented on ur own page.. so ha D:<...... UNLIMITED KE POWAH okthatjkisgoneanddomewith..
Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl left a comment for emily:3
Feb 24, 13 at 10:12pm
Star wars force unleashed and I'm yelling I mean saying unlimiiteeed ke powah
Feb 24, 13 at 10:05pm
Haha its cool dude :).,..wait ur playing video games? Lol
Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl left a comment for emily:3
Feb 24, 13 at 9:56pm
And sorry for the late replies I'll tell u wut I'm telling my mom ATM srey cant go to sleep or work ATM.. trying to be the lone wolf and trying to purge the galaxy of the galatic empire, and also want to get my vemgence on palpatime.. plus I have an infinite force cheat code so... UNLIMMMITTED POWAHH
Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl left a comment for emily:3
Feb 24, 13 at 8:21pm
oh i meant nvm.. so what you said but switched so chubbeh (person) and smaller face :c we can all dream cant wee
Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl left a comment for emily:3
Feb 24, 13 at 8:08pm
OTHER WAY AROUND D:< i hope i hope :c
Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl left a comment for emily:3
Feb 24, 13 at 7:31pm
welll kindddddaaaa u can seee it if ya wannntttt and remember ur pic with the pikachu and he says how do u think I can fit in that ya im kinda exercising so i can fit in it :B
Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209 left a comment for emily:3
Feb 24, 13 at 7:14pm
Yes I know its not real but that doesn't mean I have to like em :P
Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl left a comment for emily:3
Feb 24, 13 at 7:08pm
It was gud o.o except I'm feeling so unproductive ATM o.o... all I did was exercise and play star wars games and watch star wars I feel like such a dork... but I DD draw didn't do that ina while o30
Thank you ^^ and thank you haha..how are you?