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30 year old Female
Last online 約10年 ago
_-_ @robjm0 left a comment for ema_hinata
Jun 04, 14 at 5:34pm
Unfortunately for them, it's actually a myth that hand size correlates to the size of your penis... :/ But I bet their cocks are huge anyway, it's manga for fuck sake. :P Mate, I have a gay cousin and he takes the piss out of me calling me gay and shit. I wish my family would see me as straight. :'( I don't like either better to be fair. I judge a person on their character not their sexuality. :) And you seem like a really nice person! :)
TheAnran @arazno left a comment for ema_hinata
Jun 04, 14 at 4:56pm
http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3643/riz3i4r2_jpg.htm Speaks for itself
_-_ @robjm0 left a comment for ema_hinata
Jun 04, 14 at 4:50pm
xD I mean, if that's true they must have monster cocks because their hands are waaay too big in proportion to their body. :P Hmmmm, so what you're saying is you're glad that I'm straight but would still like me if I was gay. So essential you like straight guys better than gays? ;)
TheAnran @arazno left a comment for ema_hinata
Jun 04, 14 at 10:23am
http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3643/mufuyd9t_png.htm Hope you like this picture too, its beautiful in my eyes.
suna @suna left a comment for ema_hinata
Jun 03, 14 at 7:02pm
konnitiha^^ What kind of game and anime are popular there?
Jun 03, 14 at 4:25pm
Sorry for the late reply but I'm doing the same thing! ^_^
I see, well good luck with that.
_-_ @robjm0 left a comment for ema_hinata
Jun 03, 14 at 12:47am
What really creeps me out about yaoi manga is how big their hands are. Like, why is it necessary to give them such big hands? xD Oh yeah, why is that? :)
Jun 02, 14 at 8:18pm
Oh well, What are your Hobbies in that particular area? Any fetishes or forbidden practices in that genre? Yandere-wise? XD Don't worry, I don't find it odd at all. It's sort of kinky. You're welcome! You are really nice! ^^
Have you seen Air TV? It's also sad.