elgood81 @elgood81
elgood81 @elgood81
yeah i'm alright, i'm working my "other" job today. just an hour to go before showtime. got a feeling it's going to be a good crowd tonight.

darkflame @darkflamehaze
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darkflame @darkflamehaze
Hey it's going descent but today was a nasty day here boring nothing really going on allot of rain so i slept like half of the day xD how about u? :) they say the rain will stop tommorow but will be back monday >.< shizz.

darkflame @darkflamehaze
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darkflame @darkflamehaze
HAHAHA good evening good sir!

kycha31 @kycha31
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kycha31 @kycha31
Youre welcome!

elgood81 @elgood81
elgood81 @elgood81
Just watched a weird anime, Comical Psychosomatic Medicine. The first episode was about erectile dysfunction, tackling a serious subject in a funny way.

mercy_chan @mercy_chan
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mercy_chan @mercy_chan

mercy_chan @mercy_chan
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mercy_chan @mercy_chan
yup that the one Tsubasa Chronicle :) it is very good season 1, 2 and OVA and films it is the same with xxxholic.

elgood81 @elgood81
elgood81 @elgood81

mercy_chan @mercy_chan
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mercy_chan @mercy_chan
yea that right, but this anime is diffcent, Goku don't have an flying cloud but he deos have his exstending staff. the manga artits whated it to have an bit more morden feel it is, but is deos have Yaoki. that that is very good :) I like Sanzo Genjo, Cho Hakkai and Goku and Son Goku are my fave plus with Koumji the Main bad guy. but not really. I'll let you think of him when you see it.

mercy_chan @mercy_chan
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mercy_chan @mercy_chan
Saiyuki got good rocking and ending songs, I love it there is season 2 and 3 with OVA that about it. and one Movie of Sayuki. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4d6d3hV3c1r0egcio1_400.gif It is all about Joenay to the West, aka know as Monkey King , if you heared of that. But it is an very good anime :) Based on that.