strippinheat @strippinheat
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strippinheat @strippinheat
If you've never been to Nekocon, it's close to you and pretty quaint.

eand0802 @eand0802 I haven't been to a convention in a long time. I usually don't go because 1) I didn't save enough money and 2) I always forget the dates. I suck

kentamashiro @kentamashiro
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kentamashiro @kentamashiro
Konichiwa how are you this year? Are you going to the last otakon in baltimore before it moves?

eand0802 @eand0802 Hello, sadly no. I wish I can go but I have work and school. I knew someone who went a couple years back and he loved it.

e_bon @e_bon
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e_bon @e_bon
Have you ever been to Mid-Atlantic Anime Convention in Chesapeake? I will attend it for the first time in 2016 and am a bit curious what your impression was if you had.

eand0802 @eand0802 Wow,super late with an answer. No I never went but I was outside of it. I didn't have money at the time to go. I would like to attend it sometime

hachijyuni @hachijyuni
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hachijyuni @hachijyuni
Concrete Revolutio, Heavy Object, Yuru Yuri Season 3, and Owarimonogatari so far tonight

hachijyuni @hachijyuni
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hachijyuni @hachijyuni
I'm doing well. i started watching a bunch of fall anime today. some good stuff so far

Kyou the Baka @kawaiikirino
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Kyou the Baka @kawaiikirino
Hey! What current anime are you watching?

hachijyuni @hachijyuni
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hachijyuni @hachijyuni
how's it going?!

eand0802 @eand0802
eand0802 @eand0802
Away again, damn I missed alot.

xlerb @xlerb
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xlerb @xlerb
Sure I just got back from a con and I feel great! Let's chat sometime

hachijyuni @hachijyuni
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hachijyuni @hachijyuni
heyyyyyyyyyy there!