PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup
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PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup
This account has been suspended.

Laplace's Demon @david_nyquist
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Laplace's Demon @david_nyquist
You got it, doc.
Thanks for showing me uptodate.com; had no idea that such a resource existed. And here I was thinking every physician had to a literature crawl on their own in order to stay current. But here, you have experts doing it for you: very nice. If this resource says that beta blockers are not prescribed after the first couple of lines of treatment fail, then I truly do concede that point and I admit my mistakes.
But really, the crux of my argument was just trying to help her realize that there are other options, and sometimes physicians need to be prompted to consider them. Take it as you want, whether I was demanding her, requesting, pleading, etc. Maybe my wording was off. But that was my intention.
And I get your frustration with people coming to the office, armed with their wikipedia knowledge and testimonies from John from down the block. Frustrating, but hey, its part of the practice. It costs money, it costs time, but it is a systematic problem due to the human condition. Anecdotal evidence trumps empirical evidence, right~? Keep fighting the good fight.

teamalucardgirl @teamalucardgirl
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teamalucardgirl @teamalucardgirl
Thought I would be random and stop by on your page to say hi, so HI.

knightnettie @knightnettie
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knightnettie @knightnettie
Awesome! Thanks for this! My study session starts now, and these will help me through it, haha.

knightnettie @knightnettie
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knightnettie @knightnettie
Good night! I hope I wasn't responsible for that inability to reach your target goal! And yes, I'd appreciate more recommendations.

knightnettie @knightnettie
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knightnettie @knightnettie
Good point regarding the ROMS and Emulators! I wonder if I can get lucky on eBay...not that I eBay, haha. I'd have better luck at garage sales...
That's good music!! :O I'm impressed! Man, I'll need to look for more of his works now...

knightnettie @knightnettie
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knightnettie @knightnettie
Hahaha! My game and anime crushes are always the last people anyone would ever guess. I seem to have a thing for unpopular characters...maybe a part of me identifies with them. XP Like, my favorite character from Prince of Tennis is Taka-san (who is pretty much treated like an extra by the fandom...). My favorite Naruto character was Shino (even though I hate bugs), and from Bleach it was Hanatarou (who actually isn't *that* unpopular, but you get my drift).
I never played Evolution! I wonder if I can find a ROM of it somewhere...
I like to play Etrian Odyssey with characters as close to my novel characters as possible. It's quite fun. Makes me even more attached to them. And the music is really good! I like listening to their soundtracks when studying. I didn't know that he learned from such a famous composer though; explains a lot!!

knightnettie @knightnettie
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knightnettie @knightnettie
Hm, I never considered watching the gameplay videos on YouTube; that's a good idea. :P I think VIII was the first one I played of the series. My favorite was IX because I had a stupid crush on Vivi. XD
I would also love for old games to be remade. My favorite series growing up was Suikoden, and I will forgive you for not knowing what it is; it is my dream for them to make a VI, and to remake the first two. And Skies of Arcadia from the Dreamcast. Made me want to be a pirate. The dream is still half alive. XD
My backlog includes Tales of Xillia 1 and 2, Tales of Zestiria (which I got for the PC, and was playing until my laptop decided to crash and burn and become unusable "OTL it's currently being repaired...which makes me thankful that I bought the physical editions of the textbooks this time), Fire Emblem: Awakening (currently playing, and I preordered the sequel that comes out in February, haha), Ni no Kuni (almost done), Eternal Sonara (an "oldie" that I didn't buy until recently), several Etrian Odysseys...and a whole bunch of Steam Games that I have purchased and promptly forgot about. "OTL I'm ashamed of myself...
Plus Persona 5 that's coming out next year, and the Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem crossover, whenever it comes out. I'm also slowly playing through Pokémon in Japanese to trick myself into learning. Not really working. XD
I'm sure there are more that I'm not recalling...I gave up on Trauma Center. Didn't have the magic touch, haha. "OTL

knightnettie @knightnettie
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knightnettie @knightnettie
I'm excited. I don't care if they only did it for the nostalgia points. It's working. I hope they keep all the dumb mini games and the card game, haha. I wasted way too much time on those...also it'll be nice to see my childhood in glorious HD. I should play the original version for kicks. :P
I'm just sad that I probably won't have enough time to play it. ;-; My backlog is already large enough as it is without tacking another JRPG onto the list. (Really need to start ignoring those Humble Bundle emails...)
What are your thoughts on it?

knightnettie @knightnettie
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knightnettie @knightnettie
Haha, right?! It's like, "Patient was oriented X3...the same cannot be said of the examiner."
But I'm hitting my Uworld goals, which is all I really want, haha.