Neko Boy @deathypuppet
Neko Boy @deathypuppet
Cool! I make and buy my stuff, but I by rarely. :P Dont have a job yet so I cant. In fact, I get about 300 dollars a year just for some servery I do every 6 months for UPMC, and shoveling snow. I mostly spend it all at Tekkoshocon XD lol. So tell me, why dont you have a date?

crimsonArmageddon @crimsonarmageddon
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Neko Boy
crimsonArmageddon @crimsonarmageddon
I actually bound my chest last year for prom it was quite the sight. I actually thrift shop quite often thats probably what I'll do for homecoming this year. I'm really cheap in case you haven't noticed. I'm considering making my own dresses for things such as prom and homecoming or just not go since I don't have a date any more and I did just move. I'm also a perfectionist which is partially why I started making my own cosplay.

crimsonArmageddon @crimsonarmageddon
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Neko Boy
crimsonArmageddon @crimsonarmageddon
The lolita dress is actually for a school project so I have to do well on it or else I fail the project. I have done the thrift store method before for my Marquise Spinneret Mindfang cosplay (I'm actually considering re-making that one). The only problem with that is I have trouble finding things at thrift stores because I'm a natural size 2 most of the time (if my chest fits in it and if not a size 4). That is constantly my problem with thrift store shopping or else I would have even gotten my prom dress for last year at a thrift store. I recently decided to just start making a lot of things myself because then I could make the cosplay to fit me everywhere since when I go up a size in everything it makes the rest of the cosplay not fit just the chest area and if I stay in the small size my chest doesn't fit in the cosplay.

crimsonArmageddon @crimsonarmageddon
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Neko Boy
crimsonArmageddon @crimsonarmageddon
I'm actually not really a sports person either. I'm just forced to go to all the football and basketball games so I figured I should do something there so I don't get bored since this is the first time in years that our team has been 3-0 according to my cousin. My voice is also quite a bit dead from screaming at the football game. Besides me possibly cheerleaing at both football and basketball games not really much is new. I'm currently working on my Death the Kid cosplay and a few lolita dress since I recently got a sewing machine and I have no clue how to use it. I can sew by hand I just have no clue where to even start with this big fancy sewing machine.

crimsonArmageddon @crimsonarmageddon
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Neko Boy
crimsonArmageddon @crimsonarmageddon
well because I have been known to scare guys and girls that do things to my friends that they shouldn't but yeah they decided not to put me on the field and I may not get on the field at all this season all I might do is clean up flags so I may end up cheerleading for both football and basketball rather than just basketball but have fun scaring people it is one of my favorite past times

crimsonArmageddon @crimsonarmageddon
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Neko Boy
crimsonArmageddon @crimsonarmageddon
oh it's in the state of New Mexico it is a very interesting place with some very interesting people for sure but very few anime cons sadly yeah Friday the 13th is actually my first day performing on the field with the color guard and everyone things I'm going to hurt someone with my flag or something but I generaly like scaring people apparently my presence scares some people

crimsonArmageddon @crimsonarmageddon
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Neko Boy
crimsonArmageddon @crimsonarmageddon
Yes mine too but I spent the last two years in Albuquerque and just moved back 3 weeks ago. I do know I'll probably be at KuroKiiro and Tekkoshocon unless color guard and/or cheerleading interferes in some way which I hope it doesn't. Yeah I decided I should be Death the Kid because my friend might be Lord Death and I really just need to scare some people so they give me candy because candy is magical.

crimsonArmageddon @crimsonarmageddon
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Neko Boy
crimsonArmageddon @crimsonarmageddon
Yes for sure right now I haven't decided on the whole relationship thing since I did just move to Pittsburgh like 3 weeks I'm actually currently working on Death the Kid for Halloween, KuroKirro Festival, and Tekkoshocon

crimsonArmageddon @crimsonarmageddon
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Neko Boy
crimsonArmageddon @crimsonarmageddon
hi there and thanks :)

Neko Boy @deathypuppet
Neko Boy @deathypuppet
Thanks ^^ Your cosplay looks awesome too!
Mar 31-Apr 3
Mar 21-25
Apr 5-7
Apr 4-6