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30 year old Male
Last online 8年弱 ago
Ottawa, Canada
akuma_rozu @akuma_rozu left a comment for deardrops
Feb 25, 14 at 2:32pm
Thanks :3 Fairy Tail is really nice :3. It's really funny but there are also some sad bits in it. Defitinely worth checking out :3
Gesh @geshy left a comment for deardrops
Feb 25, 14 at 1:45am
Will you seem more pro then me lol I'm don't play much since I'm not a great player. But I mostly main ap champs only since I'm not very good with ad champs. But my main champ I main is probably Teemo and Ahri.
Feb 24, 14 at 8:34pm
It has, but it's gone by so quickly. It's been a great experience though. Thank you! I'll definitely keep putting the effort in! Well, I would say that Perotin was probably the most renowned in the Medieval period. During the Renaissance, the most renowned composers were probably Palestrina, Monteverdi, and Josquin des Prez. Handel was probably the most renowned in the Baroque period- Bach's music actually didn't become popular until after his death. Beethoven's music wasn't all that well received when he was alive either. Haydn and Mozart were probably the most popular at the time. It is very hard to find one that stands out above the others in Romantic and 20th Century Music, but Wagner is probably the most influential composer from the Romantic era. I can't really begin to guess who is most renowned from the 20th Century, but Debussy is definitely the most well-known Impressionistic composer. I do think teaching you these things is helping me to remember everything better. xD So it is a win-win situation! Thank you! I try to keep my thoughts organized in writing, but sometimes it doesn't work out so well. Ah, the Baroque period. As I said before, it is easily identifiable from the highly motoric driving rhythms. This era also had something that no other period had- a basso continuo, which is a constant bass, usually played by a low string instrument or harpsichord. Also, opera got it's start here with the first noted successful opera being Orfeo by Monteverdi. Oratorios also became a big thing- an example of an oratorio would be Handel's Messiah. Oratorios are similar to operas except they are in English and don't have the fancy props of opera and they are usually about a religious topic. I said Bach wasn't really known for his compositions when he was alive- that's because he was a well known organist and people noticed his talent on the organ rather than his composition skills. That's a little bit more in depth than before. If you have any specific questions about this then let me know and I'll try my best to answer them. :D The fourth movement is my favorite from it. Listening to it though, you can hear where some movie composers like John Williams and Hans Zimmer found some inspiration. I don't think we've talked about anime yet. oops. xD So... what's your favorite anime? :P
star_3 @starmia_3 left a comment for deardrops
Feb 24, 14 at 8:02pm
It was really fun. I've gotten a lot of wall scrolls, two plush dolls of winter miku, two gym bags of attack on titan, and a lanyard. How many music videos have you done?
kimsmith @kimsmith left a comment for deardrops
Feb 24, 14 at 7:53pm
kimsmith @kimsmith left a comment for deardrops
Feb 24, 14 at 7:51pm
You're welcome! and I always Imagine myself running away when it comes to Zombie's but I guess with me it would resolt in the situation I was in. You never really know what you would do unless it came down to the moment, at least that's the way it is with me c: And it's warmed up down here still a little brisk winds here and there! Fall out boy~ XD one of my favorite bands! My favorite song is 7 Minutes In Heaven and Paramore I've listened to a few of her song's Decode is my pick out of them all from her ^^ I've started adventuring into Basketball a bit more now and I'm leaving in less then a week to go visit Osaka,Japan I'll be staying there for 3 months I'm rather scared about flying on a plane but it's worth it if I can set foot in japan! Out of everything Japan is my favorite place to be after that It would be Korea! I got the rare chance to taste a Japanese candy called Konpeitō! It's a sugar candy and to be honest I've fallen in love with the sweet taste. I would rather have Japanese food then any kind of american food c:
Siren @haruka34 left a comment for deardrops
Feb 24, 14 at 2:24pm
Awwe that's really awesome I've already know what I'm going to be I love and I've heard that quote before it's very true
Gesh @geshy left a comment for deardrops
Feb 24, 14 at 1:14pm
Its all good man only time im avaible to play lol is usually on the weekend btw man b/c im always busy with work then sleep lol.
Gesh @geshy left a comment for deardrops
Feb 24, 14 at 12:43pm
Thanks its Gweshy btw
Gesh @geshy left a comment for deardrops
Feb 24, 14 at 11:35am
Hey whats up mind me adding you on league too lol i'm a bit of a loser as well on that game XD.