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32 year old Male
Last online 9年以上 ago
Ararin @ararin left a comment for Kazuto
Jan 25, 13 at 2:33am
ok i'm going to have to get back to you on that cosue 4shard is not leting me upload it (i hate my intrnet it sucks) sorry you sead your email lets try that
Ararin @ararin left a comment for Kazuto
Jan 25, 13 at 2:26am
ok i can just give you the link when i get it up on 4shard
Ararin @ararin left a comment for Kazuto
Jan 25, 13 at 2:23am
oh yea i forgot to ask do you mined if the scrpt has all the caracters in it or should i only geive you what the guys say?
Ararin @ararin left a comment for Kazuto
Jan 25, 13 at 1:55am
i will i just need to set them apart form the others couse i just have what everyone says all in the same place that and i have to find the one thats on my pc (i'm useing a prined ver. of the scrpt sines i have so many word doc.s of storys i make up but never finsh)
Ararin @ararin left a comment for Kazuto
Jan 25, 13 at 1:44am
yea i have most of the frist ep down or else i wouldn't be able to make the movements in mmd
Ararin @ararin left a comment for Kazuto
Jan 25, 13 at 1:24am
well i have been working on it for about 4 or 5 mouths now so yea i have some done
Ararin @ararin left a comment for Kazuto
Jan 25, 13 at 1:10am
lol ok give me a sec i know i have it somewhere in my pc just need to find it frist (i need to file everythink in my pc)
Ararin @ararin left a comment for Kazuto
Jan 25, 13 at 12:53am
lol if you can like you can try both and see witch you like better
Ararin @ararin left a comment for Kazuto
Jan 25, 13 at 12:39am
LOL lets see well Castiel acts like a bad boy but is not Lysander is an airhead that forgets where he puts everything (i couldn't think of a good way to say that when i was making the site)
Ararin @ararin left a comment for Kazuto
Jan 25, 13 at 12:29am
here's there pics and a little bit about them http://wolfar8.wix.com/kokorooushinatta#!characters-2/czni