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Last online 約5年 ago
Dec 02, 17 at 1:48pm
How the darkness is so misunderstood. People often fear what they can't see or mistake it as sadness but it's only in the darkest of places that we can truly see the light. https://static.tumblr.com/83999ee0f14d0f145725fe30b885a6c5/a9kjpee/6epot3o1f/tumblr_static_tumblr_static_7v579ct12pog80ccgsg80ogc8_640.gif
Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21 I let darkness me along time ago the light is still nice to go back to it from time to time but there is more corruption in the light side
elhaym @elhaym left a comment for Daggera
Nov 29, 17 at 3:21pm
That's a wonderful video. I dunno how the situation in America is, but I wish that people in my country would do more care about each other and don't look away.
Daggera @daggera Unfortunately that is everywhere. That is why I believe that even small acts of kindness goes a long way in making the world that much better.
Nov 29, 17 at 10:14am
Even a rose grows up from the dirt before it blossoms. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBz-pwTyxtA
elhaym @elhaym left a comment for Daggera
Nov 28, 17 at 1:49pm
Thank you so much for the video ♥ *put a plate with cookies on the table*
Nov 28, 17 at 9:46am
How I feel about America. We could do so much better than this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPHSXUS0_1c
sadjester @sadjester I loved The Newsroom. ^^
Vlad (ブラド) @vladthe5th I just saw this last night. Jeff Daniels is one of the best actors to portray real figures on real issues, and is thinking what all of us sane independents think.
Daggera @daggera I haven't seen it yet (I need to because it looks good) but I like what he says, it speaks true to a lot of things I felt that has been needing to be addressed for years. I am not proud to be American but I am proud to have my voice to speak and have a mind to think independently. I agree, he is a very strong actor and from what I have seen, plays the role perfectly.
Heyo best buddy :3
https://i.pinimg.com/736x/06/c5/cd/06c5cdc7b51d3d6d4aed4aab408e074a--chibi-kawaii-anime-chibi.jpg https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.336043299.4788/flat,800x800,075,f.u4.jpg
Nov 27, 17 at 7:43pm
Who knew a man who was never taken seriously, could give such omnipotent, heartfelt words. These tears have never been more prevalent, nor as powerful as they are now. You truly seem to know how to help me try and regain the humanity back that I so long for. Azure is lucky to have someone as strong as you. I hope that one day, I will have that resolve as well. Thank you. Friend.
elhaym @elhaym left a comment for Daggera
Nov 27, 17 at 1:12pm
Thank you Dag' for your cheer-up videos. That means alot for me! And you cheer me up :)
Daggera @daggera No need to thank me. Just make someone else smile and let's make the world a better place one smile at a time. There are always dark times for everyone but you can be the light that shines through for yourself and others. You are much stronger then you think.
Nov 27, 17 at 9:47am
BurningHalo @burninghalo I love this movie
Daggera @daggera Me too. They don't make movies like they use to.