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Last online 約5年 ago
Jul 27, 16 at 2:09am
This is how I imagine Freedom feels when I suggest him coming to see me. https://66.media.tumblr.com/ae1ea5ad845d357832ccce095378a831/tumblr_o2gk0vF50i1v2ksxio1_500.gif
Azure Chevalier @silhouettes_02 Waifu, you'll be going on many dates with me.
Daggera @daggera I would be happy just having you with me.
http://37.media.tumblr.com/f2a878657add13aa09a5e089378ec43d/tumblr_n5uovjOi931tp7433o1_500.gif im hopless at this kind of thing all im trying to say how much i value our friendship you took the time to listen when no one else and it may not seem like much to you but its those little things you done to cheer me up that mean alot to me so thank you for everything my friend ^_^
hoodedfang @hoodedfang left a comment for Daggera
Jul 27, 16 at 1:34am
Confusion is just the mind not being able to handle the truth. Your curious mind demands the turth, but is not able to accept it. This results in it demanding more. But the more it finds out, the more it refuses to accept it. Causing an endless cycle of confusion. Your mind is literally making itself dizzy as it spins around in this cycle. Now it's time for me to pass out for bed. Night, baka. XD
hoodedfang @hoodedfang left a comment for Daggera
Jul 27, 16 at 1:14am
Ah, but who is really the foolish baka here? The one that's not making sense? Or the one trying to get sense from the one that's not making sense on purpose?
hoodedfang @hoodedfang left a comment for Daggera
Jul 26, 16 at 11:04pm
Does it really need to? Sense is just the man keeping us in check. Holding us down on the ground and keeping us from flying free as birds. Free your mind, spread your wings, look to the stars. And you'll see just how much of a baka you are. Now. ACCEPT THE COMPLIMENT ALREADY!!! XD
So resistant as always waifu. http://i.imgur.com/L0cZJjo.gif
Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g left a comment for Daggera
Jul 26, 16 at 10:03pm
I gotta say your gif's are the best. =)
hoodedfang @hoodedfang left a comment for Daggera
Jul 26, 16 at 6:43pm
Well at least my baka is on the awesome side.
I'm ready for my lesson. https://media.giphy.com/media/e3LeQ4jlCby9y/giphy-facebook_s.jpg Although I might pay more attention if you put this on. http://static.fjcdn.com/gifs/Anime+w+best+school+uniform+post+a+pic+or+gif_e32b1c_5063613.gif
http://i49.tinypic.com/6dzpci.jpg learn to accept a compliment what do you mean you didnt do anything baka you need to give yourself more credot your so kind and thoughtful dummy again thank you
Azure Chevalier @silhouettes_02 How ironic Fran. I tell her that all the time yet she still refuses.