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hoodedfang @hoodedfang left a comment for Daggera
Jul 09, 16 at 3:49pm
To friendship! http://i.imgur.com/VHvn2Js.gif
Jul 09, 16 at 1:09am
I think horror films are disliked (apart from the true classics of the genre) because the general lack of originality and reliance on cliches. There are countless zombie and slashers films out there, most of them follow the same plot formula as the classics but tend to have forgettable characters. Not to mention many of these series have like 5+ sequels and most of them get progressively worse than the one that came before it. Then of course, horror films are subject to needless remakes more often than non-horror films. I tend to like more obscure horror films that often cross into sci-fi like Corman's films from the early 80s or Re-Animator (But that is because sci-fi is my favorite genre). That said, Insidious is probably the best horror film of this decade so far.
Jul 09, 16 at 12:39am
Your dad sounds cool then and you have probably seen a lot... as me for technically the same amount of time, I watched Pokemon when it first came here, then DBZ in the early 2000s, was into Yu-Gi-Oh! From 2003-5, but I did not get around to it on a regular basis until about 9 years ago when my friend got me into Naruto, then after that, I started to seek out my own favorites.
Jul 09, 16 at 12:32am
https://media.giphy.com/media/NL1KH2WwfZCIU/giphy.gif I am not sure why but this makes me want to go out drinking in animal costumes, would anyone care to join me in my madness?
♡Lenny (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ)♡ @lenny82 You know I would be up for that! ^_^
Jul 09, 16 at 12:19am
About anything, eh? Well... you're 31... so how long have you been into anime?
http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/rsz_1122_8197.jpg You are so cool *fangirls with excitement* https://67.media.tumblr.com/b9c5f2f439bb61ddce203d410dfad99c/tumblr_nt2wcwkQNX1sl7g6jo1_500.gif Have some sushi
Daggera @daggera Awe, look at how they pounce, they are so cute... #>.<#
♡Lenny (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ)♡ @lenny82 Omg adorable sushi ♡
Did i hear you say you eould play xenosaga xD
hoodedfang @hoodedfang left a comment for Daggera
Jul 08, 16 at 11:46pm
Alright then, thanks. I'm always up for seeing how a path of friendship turns out.
Jul 08, 16 at 11:19pm
Thank you for adding me... glad to make your acquaintance...
Oh Waifu. Even in your confessions of love you have to try an and sound intimidating. I'm ready for anything you throw at me though, promise. https://66.media.tumblr.com/9ca6db92792d43df5875018dd48c8e11/tumblr_o5154bIo1e1uapp8co1_500.gif Does this mean you'll be less resistant and rebellious now? Eh... never mind I think I already know that answer. http://66.media.tumblr.com/0194da0a507f683b83c10e82150d38dc/tumblr_ngxxivVcQx1u57npgo1_500.gif Oh well, I think I'll be able to handle it. http://data.whicdn.com/images/5653412/large.jpg Love you.