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Last online 約5年 ago
United Kingdom
Jan 03, 17 at 3:20am
Actually I think every government is authoritarian in some way. No country is complete free of it. They all need to improve. I don't think government should do anything but protect the rights of citizens from force. Free enterprise can handle anything else (that doesn't involve applying force). I don't know any good way of funding that sort of thing. Taxation is coercive, but to have protection from force and tax is marginally better than no protection and no tax (at which point it's just anarchy). An idea Rand suggested is having a voluntary sales taxes - if you want your trades protected legally, you can choose to pay extra so any violation of trade agreement can be legally enforced. Re: the EU centralising regulation I agree that having one consistent regulation across all countries is less disruptive to trade than having a different reg for each country. But I think the entire premise of regulating everything is a problem itself. Regulation does a lot of harm. Tons of resources (in the EU and US, not just in worse regions) are wasted constantly by trade regulations, making them very harmful to progress and horribly inefficient. Gov. regulations destroy businesses and force them to be less successful than they could be, then take money from innocents to pay for the blunder. The House of Lords applies very little force. The fact that they *can* if they want to is still a problem, but they could do far more than they do now even with EU regulation. So I don't see why they would do more just because the EU isn't regulating them (since they don't do as much as they could anyway). I agree that businesses will close. Some businesses exist because of the EU. That doesn't make those good businesses! What if they only succeed in business because they exploit EU regulations to succeed where they really shouldn't? Businesses closing isn't a disaster. Deregulation and less EU involvement will also open up opportunities for other businesses. Things will *change*, but change isn't bad. There may even be a significant economic slump after brexit. There will be a lot of things that wont work anymore and will need changing. But after all the changes are made, it will be better. As an analogy. If someone has a bunch of slaves, who they keep for years, then the slaves get free, the slaves wont actually know how to live a "normal" life because all they've known is slavery. They will have *tons* to learn to live normal free lives. They will struggle. But ahead of them: they have the freedom to be whatever they want. Better life, overall, even if it's harder for a while. Learning to live free is hard. But submitting to a life of slavery is way worse.
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Jan 01, 17 at 6:07am
Happy new year everyone! What have you learned from 2016 to improve your 2017?
No idea I'm afraid. I actually just did a random search for anime girl with glasses and found her.
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Dec 31, 16 at 6:44am
Thinking about anime characters that I relate to. Ryuuji from Toradora (I can look a bit imposing and scary, and I'm not a cook but I do like working hard to be good at what I do) Sora from No Game: No Life (I'm a gamer, my goal is fun, and I have fun by being great at games :D skill is hard, but it's fun to earn) Batou from Ghost in the Shell (I like his determination and, like him, I'm typically very serious but have sudden silly moments)
Eliza Chaan~! @eliza123 left a comment for critjo
Dec 30, 16 at 11:44pm
That's great i hope you'll like it~!!
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Eliza Chaan~! @eliza123 left a comment for critjo
Dec 30, 16 at 10:20am
Steins gate, toradora, Free! and etc~!
Eliza Chaan~! @eliza123 left a comment for critjo
Dec 30, 16 at 9:53am
hi hi~! how you doing? http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e15/11385586_1604617369822710_1572521135_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=OTkyNjg1OTc3NTM4MDEzMDQ5.2