Lady_ @xxladydravenxx
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Lady_ @xxladydravenxx
I know right. Those are some great anime. How are you?
xueli @xueli
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xueli @xueli
I haven't actually heard about the blu-ray release. Haha it'd be interesting to see since it's been so long ago that since I've watched it :p
wildchild_inc @wildchild_inc
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wildchild_inc @wildchild_inc
That's what's up! Lucky, I have yet to go to an anime convention yet... I'm trying to go to anime expo this year.
wildchild_inc @wildchild_inc
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wildchild_inc @wildchild_inc
Haha thanks bro! It's been awhile since I've gotten a compliment in regards to the jackets!
wildchild_inc @wildchild_inc
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wildchild_inc @wildchild_inc
My bands name was Archfiend. Funny story about how we ended up with that name... We had multiple name changes until we ended up taking a look at some Yu-Gi-Oh cards and stumbled on the Archfiend monsters. If you want to find us on social media, just type search "archfiendtheband" or our band camp
wildchild_inc @wildchild_inc
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wildchild_inc @wildchild_inc
Aww man... I know the feels when it's hard to go to a concert or if the scene is dead. As for big concerts, I was fortunate to attend the Big 4 in Indio, very memorable experience for me. There was a very strong, but short lived Thrash Metal scene her in SD. My band was one of the power houses in the scene, we would play and attend shows anywhere from legit concert venues, small clubs, recreational centers, and even sketchy house shows.
wildchild_inc @wildchild_inc
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wildchild_inc @wildchild_inc
Same bro! Do you go to local concerts or anything?
wildchild_inc @wildchild_inc
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wildchild_inc @wildchild_inc
Hey, I'm Jeremie! It's nice to meet you! I didn't think I would meet a fellow thrash metaller on here LOL
cntpdchan 変 @cntpdchan
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cntpdchan 変 @cntpdchan
it's so damn good that you'll wanna buy all the volumes (=^-ω-^=)