otakuru626 @otakuru626
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otakuru626 @otakuru626
i like everything u?

Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
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Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
gaming hmmm dark atmosphere gaming like persona :D ones with good storylines or when im mad i get a fighting game to beat things up >:| story games i like too like the point and click ones though most of the time i get stuck....

Lyson @lyson
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Lyson @lyson
I like all types of anime, but I would say that I watch action most often. What about you?

Demy @nekonyandemy
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Demy @nekonyandemy
Why stressed :(?
I like a lot of different anime. My list on here sums it up >.< Though it is missing a few.

otakuru626 @otakuru626
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otakuru626 @otakuru626
i'm great, how are you?^^

Adam @shio1990
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Adam @shio1990
Meow meow meow
:0 Resident evils great!

supponsoup @supponsoup
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supponsoup @supponsoup
Hi hi! I see you like Higurashi and Hajime no Ippo! I like Keiichi and Satoshi but as for HnI I really cant pick a favorite character! What about you?

Demy @nekonyandemy
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Demy @nekonyandemy
I'm ok ^ ~ ^ Just a bit sleepy > - < How about you?

otakuru626 @otakuru626
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otakuru626 @otakuru626

Lyson @lyson
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Lyson @lyson
I think I'm good, haha. How are you?