ツ Comfyboi @comfyboi
ツ Comfyboi @comfyboi
Bois make the best girls. <3
Neverland @dakoya
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ツ Comfyboi
Neverland @dakoya
Are traps real? Actually I wasn't sure of this until 2 months ago. I met my first trap o.o. It was dangerous...
Makoto Haruki @makotoharuki Dangerous? I'm hurt u_u
Neverland @dakoya Haha, sorry m8. I just thought I had found a tall Asian girl. Tall Asian girls are rare. Actually my first trap I met was at an anime convention, but I don't consider it a first cuz you could kind of tell he/she was a guy b/c they were too cute? Idk, everyone was gazing at that person at the con? It was a first for me, like a real hatsune miku idol had come to life. Besides I never knew guys could have slender beautiful legs.
Makoto Haruki @makotoharuki All good mate, I was just messin'
Neverland @dakoya Does that mean you're not really a trapish dude, or you're not angry?
Makoto Haruki @makotoharuki Not angry, sorry if that's the wrong answer :p
Neverland @dakoya Nope, just curious.
ツ Comfyboi @comfyboi
ツ Comfyboi @comfyboi
I just want a cute trap bf I can spoil and cuddle and do cute things with </3
ツ Comfyboi @comfyboi
ツ Comfyboi @comfyboi
tfw you want a cute trap bf </3
Makoto Haruki @makotoharuki mfw I would totally be that trap bf
ツ Comfyboi @comfyboi
ツ Comfyboi @comfyboi