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28 year old Male
Last online 約1年 ago
Having a bad day? Remember! Studio Ghibli! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bi3VR_TWIoM
Apr 17, 16 at 4:56pm
Nah. I just like messing with people. No hard feelings. You don't seem like prey. Anyway goos luck. Don't let distantce stop you
Apr 17, 16 at 4:53pm
You're the one writing paragraphs complaining on your own wall. You could have come to me instead.
Apr 17, 16 at 4:49pm
So what are ya gonna do? Report me? You would be the coward then.
Apr 17, 16 at 4:48pm
Jealous he says? I have a girlfriend. It's just gross seeing trash like you have hope makes me sick. I'd love to see the look on your face when things come crashing down someday. Hahaha.
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https://fullmoonrunner.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/run-hard.jpg Not running with those guys ever again... My Legs... My Lungs... Kill me.
Ol'brain has been kicking my ass tonight. Guess i just need some sleep -.-
Apr 15, 16 at 2:31am
Xynox X Uninterested :3
xynox @xynox I ship us.
Uninterested. @coffeelink I second that.^^
Whenever i get jealous messages or comments... http://2static2.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments/5823722+_7092aea0f8b456aa89488683f1a6aea1.png Honestly, if the majority of you guys don't like it; then don't pay attention to it. I Retaliate to competition and the majority of you already know of the affection i show towards her and often i receive the same amount of interest and affection. It's really pathetic when i can't show Xynox that i like her or show my affection without a few jealous People attacking me or Lecturing me about "sharing". Understand the difference between a loved-one and Item; a love done you should work and fight for, an item should be shared only to those whom need it. She is not an Item and it is NOT up to me to decide what she does! Can i at-least get some honor and respect from people? This is sad and i will not kneel or back-down to those whom challenge me or attack me. Me and her's Relationship is honestly none of your guys business. Although i am Open with my Affection Towards her because i am not afraid to Show the world of how i feel and i want this site to know that i was here and i stood for this. If you are going to lecture me like you are better men; then you should properly approach me as such. I won't be the one to start Drama, but if you think you can fuck with me and expect me to sit down and accept it; You have another thing coming. Acting Jealous without proper reason and attacking me is really pathetic. I"m Done with you guys, Leave me alone.