kuro_narukami @kuro_narukami
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kuro_narukami @kuro_narukami
No worries everything helps and I was thinking to use everyday things for parts if I needed to xD the more info I have the better ^_^

UliCam @ulicam
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UliCam @ulicam
No problem thanks for accepting.

DarthRane @darthrane
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DarthRane @darthrane
Rawr I'm a turtle! :P

DarthRane @darthrane
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DarthRane @darthrane
NOOOOOOOO I'm not a stalker! :O
I'm am a merely a stander by watching from a distance :D

evora @evora
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evora @evora
sent MSG to your inbox :)

kuro_narukami @kuro_narukami
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kuro_narukami @kuro_narukami
Thanks the research I've done says Epoxy putty is the way to go but I'd rather be 100% certain before I attempt to buy and make it xD

DarthRane @darthrane
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DarthRane @darthrane

evora @evora
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evora @evora
heya! new to site and you were on my match list. :)

kuro_narukami @kuro_narukami
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kuro_narukami @kuro_narukami
Hey Chrisma hoping to ask a favor of you, can you find out if you gunpla friends know of any tutorials/guides/videos on how to make custom parts for a gunpla, I'm wanting to practice making parts for legs/arms/etc. but I can't seem to find anything solid enough to get me started :/

sameraiguy @sameraiguy
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sameraiguy @sameraiguy
I use to have a bunch on you tube but i took allot down but there's still one or two up there:p Ill send ya one:)