NO?..okayyyyyyy I like anime/books/animals/movies/games/cards/checkers/arcade/parties/swimming/walking/fishing/taking in the sights/traveling/driving/mud riding/paint guns/laser tag/dodge ball/basketball/cooking/dining out err...fair rides...roller coasters...cotton candy,sweet candies

I'm also into comics and webtoons I watch tv series and dramas...like shameless...yes that's relatable...to my life.
Want to know bout me?
((I been here since 2009. I'm an old member on this site I graduated in 2011 and got back on here during that time I come off and on during the years. Saw new groups keeping this site alive over the years it's always different groups every year or two.))
I'm a poor pooor lady with a poor poor past life full of ups and downs that take shit and give shits. I act nice and sweet and caring and kind ,but that how everybody is upfront when really..it not that simple. I'm mean,bitchy,selffish,annoying,self-center,overly confident, stubborn very stubborn a bit shallow too just a bit.
But, yeah fat shamers members get out because I'm super fat and never exercise. I used to be a gym rat...but that life and me wasn't real. I wasn't me anymore I was an shallow obsessives abusive body image craving person with broken self confidence and fragile and weak minded..and brain washed controlling person. The people I put myself around were toxic and unhealthy my body was unhealthy my mind was damage my body was damage I did look good but I wasn't me. So I got out of that gym life and became a better me no gym could do for me.I looked at people not as people but as just a body...no feelings for people at all...I only care for bodies and image..24/7..until it kept eating away at me..making me less and less me.. I woke up one day and got out of that life and got away from gyms and I don't want to go back there. I don't exercise(except DDR I LOVE DDR)said good bye to my abs and tight body...Don't regret it.:)

I eat carbs no nasty green drinks no keto diets no nasty vinegar or kobacha.I'm living my best life right now and I'm more happy with myself than when I was a gym rat when I had a great body now I feel better my body I love it more and I found so much self love within me that the gym life took away. I'm able to give myself more than the me I was and became.So,fat shamers or gym rats.Leave me alone please.I'm not dealing with you or going back to that life.I'm sure you're a wonderful person and you like that life but I don't that life isn't for me and I don't need no temptations leading me back in that dark place.Don't want any conflicts but also don't want to go back.If it's a gateway I don't want it.I can be friends with you cause we most likely will never meet up anyways in real life. Not my type and everyone has a type and that life not my type. But we can chat...online only.But if you try to force your beliefs or gym talk me or body shame me then yeah..you're out. I don't need negativity. I love being positive.It not just bad gym rats or shallow body shaming dicks...but anyone toxic or super negative.I just want to be mellow and stay happy.

But yeah also I have THREE KIDS....YES THREE KIDS SOO...yeah I can't take care of myself like you selfishly want and desire and be a top model...for "daddy"..with three kids to care and feed....so also get out.j/k XD
Nah, I'm lying see I can be a liar too anybody can be I don't have kids..I do have pets though..I have three dogs.

I'm a dog lover.

But please stay for the friend list add. Honestly, I don't care if you add me and say hi and that it or if you just want to add me to boost your friend list. I add anybody it doesn't matter to me one bit.Please take this flower anyways.

Also I have an xbox I barely play on it cause of work and college...I have responsibilities and can't afford to get attach to a game or deal with game friends. Honestly I'll add ya play a game with you but as soon as I'm bored with that game or you game hop and want me to buy a game to continue to be your friend then yeah no..those friendships fade too fast...and we just stop talking.
Also, here's some result pictures of me I don't know how "accurate" these tests and quizzes are but I figure it wouldn't hurt to put them up anyways.Okay that enough of the writing...for today.