glez27 @glez27
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glez27 @glez27
Hi Zoey-san
Hajimemashite ;P

scorchingwolf @scorchingwolf
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scorchingwolf @scorchingwolf
love huh? :3

XGEOX @xgeox
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XGEOX @xgeox

SleepingOne @sleepingone
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SleepingOne @sleepingone
Hi! I'm looking for others who enjoy anime as well, not many ppl i know like it. :P

Van2587 @van2587
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Van2587 @van2587
id love to chat with you ^-^

FunkMasterD @funkmasterd
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FunkMasterD @funkmasterd
Hello there. :)

The_Black_Reaper @the_black_reaper
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The_Black_Reaper @the_black_reaper
Hi you came up on my matchs page so I thought I'd say hi and see if you'd like to chat sometime

start @vittorios
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start @vittorios
Hey, my name's Vito. Apparently you're my top match, so I'd really like to get to know you better. You seem really cool, but there's only so much i can get from a photo, for instance, i bet you're funny, probly into rock/alternative music, i also see you as playful and adventurous person, but more than anything, i bet you have a beautiful heart. I know what it means to have someone special in your life, and i also know what it feels like to lose them. I hope I hear from you.

Xinjust @xinjust
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Xinjust @xinjust
Hi! =D Have you seen the Disappearance of Haruhi yet?

nyxstardust @nyxstardust
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nyxstardust @nyxstardust
This account has been suspended.
Aug 29-31
Oct 30-Nov 1
Jan 8-11
Jan 8-10