The first thing you should know about me is that I'm sarcastic. Very sarcastic. So if you take offense too easily, then I would back away slowly (don't worry, I'm used to it; comes with being ginger). However, if you share my love of sarcasm, then the more the merrier (that sounded less dodgy in my head). As you might have guessed, I'm a huge fan of anime, although I'd still consider myself a bit of a newb as I only seriously got into it about a year ago, when I started watching One Piece, and threw away my social life for what my friends refer to as 'Chinese cartoons'. They can't even get the right fucking country. Anyway, I love dark stories, which is one of the reasons why I got so into anime, as it has series such as Tokyo Ghoul and FMA: Brotherhood which explore some really, really dark themes. And they're so fucking good (you may have also noticed that I like to swear. Sorry). So, if you want to talk to someone that will most likely insult you - in a good way - in their weird way of letting you know that they think you're funny and can take it, and will spend her other time talking about anime, gaming and comics, then feel free to message me. However, if you want to talk to someone that actually has social skills, I'll understand.