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Baka @reinhardt76 left a comment for cancer_hime
Feb 10, 19 at 2:05pm
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cancer_hime @cancer_hime Ik its one of the more mainstream ones. Nice peppy beat :P Sleepyhead somehow just falls in the uncanny region for me, weirdly get the chills straight at the beginning. idk why, its the same feeling you get when you see a scary doll for me x-x But then it becomes ok as soon as michael's voice kicks in.
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cancer_hime @cancer_hime https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DcospmWUQAEMbiU.jpg succ some sister
Whisp @whispywoods left a comment for cancer_hime
Feb 02, 19 at 3:59pm
hey cutie patootie https://i.imgur.com/Atr68jB.jpg
Baka @reinhardt76 left a comment for cancer_hime
Jan 31, 19 at 5:32pm
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Baka @reinhardt76 left a comment for cancer_hime
Jan 31, 19 at 9:41am
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cancer_hime @cancer_hime :O Never heard this before, its nice and calming. Needed this!! ALSO MAJOR COINCIDENCE. I was trying to draw hands and figuring out how fingers curl... Are you spying on me? *-*
cancer_hime @cancer_hime wait is this song about... you know *^* ?????
Baka @reinhardt76 Hmm I’ve not listen to it enough to know, but I think it could be? I just like the lyrics and how curious/intimate it is!
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for cancer_hime
Jan 31, 19 at 1:07am
I don't know if I'd consider myself an edgy boi. I like to see myself as and old uncouth sage lol. I"m always looking for new "friends", but I tend to find acquaintances instead o.O.
cancer_hime @cancer_hime Sounds like the epidemic of small talk to me :v p.s. calling you edgy boi going by the sort of comments you write on intro posts :3
Neverland @dakoya Kakaka, if only I found small talk lol. Most times you get the silent treatment, but that's the good treatment. It only gets harsh if they reply and ditch you, ouch >.>... Which is why "friends" are difficult bonds to make and easy to break, gah >.<... Oh also, thank you. I appreciate it when others appreciate my sarcasm and *cough cough* terrible skills at welcoming others.
cancer_hime @cancer_hime Yikes. I do the talk and disappear shit. Honestly you shouldnt read much into that stuff, most people as Ive come to realize, cant help it (weird introvert problems) p.s. imho the statutory warnings are honestly ok (no sarcasm)
Neverland @dakoya Yep, I don't really take things to heart too much on the site. I don't like drama and the like. You do you. I like to think that people who aren't active much, have a life and things to do. I tend to do some of the same, which is a good thing. People need a life and to be busy. So, I just kind of go w/ the flow. Oh yea, I did kind of assume you would only be active for small stretches of time, looking at your posts and message history on the forums and ppl's walls lol. At least you come back every so often. I think that's what a lot of long time members do. Maybe I'll end up the same, who knows lol. I would like to think that if I ever finished school and got married, I'd basically never come back here. Too busy w/ the life. Well, I also hope that this kind of happens to most members as well. They actually meet someone and get a life, so they don't have to utilize this site anymore. Although it might be good to check in on some buds once in a while and catch up lol.
cancer_hime @cancer_hime Its nice that youve put this out so tactfully. Though I'm pretty sure a majority of people understand that its honestly just... sad af, for the lack of a better word. But hey, there's nothing wrong with a bunch of lovable losers hanging out, amirite? Just like highschool... In any case, its as you said, its best if people find productive ways to spend their time (and yeah, maybe not just constrict their goal in life to finding a s.o.) Its nice to imagine I'd come back to this site in the future, but given my plans ahead I'm most certain I wont have time. Then it'll all be discord... and then just my mainstream social media. I hope you get too busy w/ life too, it sounds nice kek. I'll still keep bothering you though -3-
Neverland @dakoya Well as long as I'm still here I won't mind being bothered by other people unless it's for drugs or some insane profane subject. I "do" feel like the people I meet on here are a bit of a niche group. I'm also a bit disappointed that since I'm not a girl ,I don't get to see the darker underbelly of the site that so many females seem to go through w/ the harassment and what not. Maybe it's for the best o.O? I also don't know how discord got such a following and has become the next skype. I mean it was mainly used for gamers back in the day, but now it's become so mainstream. Following that, I do wonder what your mainstream social media is? I personally don't have a mainstream social media, as those kinds of sites can kill you (digitally). One wrong inappropriate post could cause you your job or the like. Thus, I have stayed away from most of them... oh wait, I do have a facebook but that's only to stay in contact w/ family mainly lol. I "am" curious about what you do during your day job though. Maybe you're a student or some butchershop assistant o.O. Hm, I would talk more, but this tiny box is limiting my mind from expanding and causing me to be concerned in case I click off or referesh the page and all my posts will be erases, so I'll end here for now, reluctantly lol.
Mochi Mochi @mochimoch left a comment for cancer_hime
Jan 29, 19 at 2:02pm
Yesterday I accidentally swallowed some food coloring. The doctor says I'm OK, but I feel like I've dyed a little inside.
Mochi Mochi @mochimoch left a comment for cancer_hime
Jan 28, 19 at 12:45pm
I've been thinking about you saying I "mull" a lot, and I'm not sure what to think or feel. Do I really? I can't, I've never heard of the word before you said it. But, then again, maybe. I'll think it over.
Hullo! Hideri is no match for Kuranosuke!!!!!! Hideri is too kiddy (and also probably not as cute a boy with that receeding hairline. Poor boy) ! http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/40400000/Kuranosuke-Koibuchi-Princess-Jellyfish-rainbow-unicorn-40444825-720-960.png
Khan @throwawatacc17 left a comment for cancer_hime
Jan 04, 19 at 3:17am