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Last online 1年以上 ago
Chicago Heights, IL
Ah dang, dude. But hey, you're doing it for you; I respect that. I love potatoes, but I swear they're the main reason I gained 40+ lbs over the course of three years. I miss having them. v w v I am a mild person. My spice tolerance is subpar, but I can do Sriracha sauce. I can't do Hot Cheetos, and I know it's not all that spicy, lol.
I love sushi, seafood is a personal favorite and I wish the products here were fresh and safe enough to consume. Y w Y All I can ever truly eat is chicken. So a lot of chicken meals. I like eating eggs, too. Duck eggs are my favorite for baking; I think they make baked goodies give more mouth feel? That's just me though haha. What/who inspires you to cook? How do you feel about potatoes?
I'd really like to learn to cook. v - v I've only ever assisted as a prep cook for family and friends. But that's okay, I like working behind the scenes. Lucky you! I wish beef loved me as much as it did for you! Q - Q I'm a little jealous!
v w v Nice! A slight hint of pink is such eye candy for me! And I like rare and medium-rare, but man oh man does steak not like me back lol.
Aa, sweet! v//w//v Feel free to sketch up a sexy babe (I swear cute and thicc will be the death of me). If not, no worries, doodle what you're comfortable with. And thank you a bunch! Oh! Another question! How well do you like your steak done? o v o b
BurningHalo @burninghalo Thicc sexy babe? On it ^^
Aaa, I'd love to see your works? Are they in some of the art threads on here? o v o You've got a tablet?! Wanna draw together some time? I'd be down for a voice chat and doodling with friends! And yep, I'm mainly looking for art buddies! No commissions; I want to do other things instead of commissions. v w v What about you? I see you cook! Your food composition/presentation is wonderful!
BurningHalo @burninghalo My food composition is improving check out my instagram (@burninghalo_01) if you wanted to see more of them x3
Yes omg I love doodling. - v - It's do relaxing and stress-relieving for me. And I'm self-taught. Do you draw? Nice to meet you!
Arigggg @ariaruby left a comment for BurningHalo
Feb 24, 18 at 1:47pm
Yeah it was amazing!
Arigggg @ariaruby left a comment for BurningHalo
Feb 24, 18 at 12:06pm
My next one is Anime Midwest in July, just returned from Anime Milwaukee last weekend
Arigggg @ariaruby left a comment for BurningHalo
Feb 23, 18 at 10:16pm
Haha thanks, I hate writing those things but that's the gist ^-^