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Not bad could I give you a little constructive criticism
Don't get me wrong I have fear only a fool doesn't. I just don't scare easy :)
ryu22 @ryu22 left a comment for ItsTooLateToApologize
Apr 16, 13 at 12:26am
You'll always run the risk of getting close to someone and they might not feel the same way. Its happend to me on a few occasions. The way i see it is, even tho you care about this person do you deserve to be treated poorly? Is it ok for them to hurt you? If I had a girlfriend and she was hurtful or obbusive, even tho I care about her dearly, If talking to her repeatidly doesnt fix the issue I'd leave her. The reason is I dont deserve to be treated poorly. I'm a good guy and deserve better. The same is with you. Your a sweet and caring person. You dont deserve to be hurt or yelled at or whatever. Besides, if this person cant accept your feelings and treate you better then they're no good to you; be it friend or a relationship. Im not sure if what i said has any to do with whats going on but I hope it was helpful in some way
Me? Scared? Sure whatever helps you sleep at night
ryu22 @ryu22 left a comment for ItsTooLateToApologize
Apr 12, 13 at 2:52pm
I didnt hear about that. If thats true then that was nice of sony to give them something. I give them the cold shoulder or tell them how it is. If someone is being mean to you for no reason then just blow them off. They will either come to you and apologize or stay mad. Of course you can tell them off which would add gas to the flame but might make them think about the actions their taking.
I also go on over night survival trials so I know the dark well, you would have little hope :P
Oh yeah I love the thrill of the chase, really? I'll have you know I was the best endurance runner on my track team and the forth best sprinter if anything I would run past you
No I don't do hide and seek I'm more of a chase kind of guy
ryu22 @ryu22 left a comment for ItsTooLateToApologize
Apr 09, 13 at 11:34pm
Well thats all that matters, just try it and if you like it then yea and if not then its cool. Microsift maybe a money hungry company but it has its pluses. I mean look at PS3, they have free online but they get hacked soooooo much. Id rather pay then get kacked and god knows what. Generally I am good with advice, though it would really depend on what kind of advice.
I don't I'm paranoid big houses give others places to hide and not really I've fallen behind on my anime...unfortunatly