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I had to fight to make it so and sometimes the past finds its way back and haunts me but yeah its better than it used to be
That'll work. Again thanks but I'm not signing up for another site since I'm no longer really pursuing any friendships or relationships.
I can understand that, I grew up on the bad side of the streets it took away a lot, sometimes I remember wishing I could have ran but life doesn't let you sometimes
I sure do know better than to share weaknesses with other ppl. Also thank you for the site but I'm not currently looking for a GF right now to be honest.
There is always a reason to wake if nothing else just to show the world it can't take you with out a fight that was my sole reason for many years
Yeah most of them and I'm not sure if there is life after this...I almost hope not
The only reason I'm not is because the world took her, but trust me the life your talking about...it hurts and is much harder to leave than to enter
I know its hard but there are people out there it takes time but trust, I have found these people before
Its a hard and scary life to go alone but trust me there are true friends and love out there you just have fight the posers away and once you have it you must make it work while at the same time not forcing it...its a fickle thing
You be careful with that choice...I've lived the life of a loner for years and once you go down that road its hard to turn back, trust me, love may hurt but its worth it so long as you find it again