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Last online 12年弱 ago
Soriku666 @soriku666 left a comment for bluehawk
Aug 09, 11 at 8:32am
Lol, That's nice. so... Do you play any MMO's ?
yuuukiii01 @yuuukiii01 left a comment for bluehawk
Aug 07, 11 at 11:35pm
i know horror movies ftw XD lol well let me think XD i love to draw and...sing XD [not in front of people though] lol i love my two birds and dog so pets and animals in general ,puzzles ,video games,cooking ,nature.i like to help people/be nice family,and other stuff i can think of atm that i well later remember and be like lovely XD when i do XD i have an intense head ache that makes it hard to think lolol
yuuukiii01 @yuuukiii01 left a comment for bluehawk
Aug 07, 11 at 3:26pm
lol i love vocaloid and japanese music like uverworld,the gazette,bump of chicken XD lol but yeah i like alot of different types a little technoish j-rock lol ect.. i dont really like rap but some of the japanese is really good like home made kazoku XD and i dont like country either i love horror movies and comedy i reAlly like all movie types except drama
yuuukiii01 @yuuukiii01 left a comment for bluehawk
Aug 06, 11 at 12:36am
:] i know XD what kinda music do you like? and what kinda movies? lol if you dont mind me asking lol
yuuukiii01 @yuuukiii01 left a comment for bluehawk
Aug 03, 11 at 2:41am
lolo nice! i bet its one of those kinda things that if you tryed to do it again it wouldnt happen no matter how hard you tryed XD lol i havent experienced conflicting times too much but my dads the only one with a license and car and when ever were suppose to go do something he well say oh ill be ready in 5 mins then no kidding the longest it had been was like 3 hours later and he always does that it drives me crazy lol
yuuukiii01 @yuuukiii01 left a comment for bluehawk
Aug 02, 11 at 3:26am
yeah computers always look great tricked out XD but pretty much anything tricked out does lol
yuuukiii01 @yuuukiii01 left a comment for bluehawk
Aug 02, 11 at 12:32am
lol yeah if you work all the time you dont have too much time to do other stuff XD that sounds awesome sounds like you had fun :D lol yeah if you build a race bike then you'll definitely be going fast XD lol i need to build a new computer XD its not a bad computer i just do so too many things at the same time and i only have a single core possessor so its slow XD
yuuukiii01 @yuuukiii01 left a comment for bluehawk
Jul 31, 11 at 4:48am
i hardly ever get to go watch fireworks :P luckyyy! XD well i just started playing jade dynasty 2 i liked it so much i played it for like 10 hours without any breaks >.< im super tired now its 2:47am XD and i was so close to getting to lvl 30 XD im lvl 27 XD have you every played any online games?
yuuukiii01 @yuuukiii01 left a comment for bluehawk
Jul 30, 11 at 1:28pm
well from what i have been told im a like 1/4 german and 1/4 belgium and very little native american and then some mixed stuff im bot sure about i just remember i was told one english, european kinda stuff XD so apparently thats my background XD
yuuukiii01 @yuuukiii01 left a comment for bluehawk
Jul 29, 11 at 9:41pm
no but i have heard about it kinda XD i love japan japan is just the bast i wanna go there so bad lol i love pretty much every thing japan lol may dad started lecturing me for th 100th time because i pointed out there was an asian in the car next to us and he was like no that guys hawaiian .. >.> you and ur freaking japan what were you Japanese in ur past life i was like yeah probably the king and a dragon tamer XD