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30 year old Male
Last online 9年弱 ago
Yes, they can. They're basically water beetles by nature, so swimming isn't anything new to most of them, especially the ones in the US. In fact, during the summer they're everywhere because they're *looking* for water.
-.- Dude, it's not a fetish. I study psychology; I would know. The roaches I've met have learned very quickly what they can and can't get away with. The rest of it's ordinary natural selection. If they're stupid enough to come out during the daytime, they deserve to die. Let the roaches with working brain cells increase the population.
its ok to have weird fetish, I mean I don't have any, but I don't judge at all Hmmm yeah they have a tenacity to live, but I wonder if they should be smart enough to stray from human contact, it usually end with someone dead. I have a lil respect for the cockroachs tho
I do not have a cockroach fetish, LOL. There's a big difference between a fetish and predilection. I like cockroaches the same way other girls like butterflies, puppies and kittens. No, "Twilight of the Cockroaches" was not what inspired me to like them. Actually I used to be scared of them until I was twelve or thirteen. One hot summer night about five or six cockroaches found their way into the house via a hole in my little brother's window screen and they swarmed in, looking for water. I went crazy and hid in my closet until my dad killed them all and closed the window, and that's when I decided to systematically hunt and kill all the cockroaches I could find. However, as I did more research on how to kill them (after I hit one with a shoe, destroyed its abdomen, and watched it drag itself away from me) I came to have a growing respect for them and that respect eventually turned into appreciation. So ever since I was fifteen, I've really liked cockroaches.
She's thinking of using some of the other gases and elements as well, if she gets more. I think I've heard of that anime, in a very distant kind of way, LOL. I remember Twilight of the Cockroaches... That was one seriously strange movie, but interesting.
http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/420297 the cicada block!
http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/420297 the cicada block!
And you didn't know there's such a thing as glowing fish? Ever looked in a Petsmart or a Petco? They're so pretty! My friend has an aquarium full of them, all named after Noble gases.
Sure! The most common ones in the US are the Australian, the Mexican, and the Wood Cockroach, although Madagascar Hissing cockroaches and certain hybrids will pop up as a fluke sometimes due to their popularity as pets in South America. Here's three really cute varieties: http://images.nationalgeographic.com/wpf/media-live/photos/000/587/overrides/glowing-roach-imitates-poisonous-peers_58706_600x450.jpg http://www.invader.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Vaga-Cockroach.jpg http://www.whatsthatbug.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/green_cockroach_costa_rica.jpg
I'd like to have my own cockroach aquarium someday. ^^ I would collect strange and unusual species, like the leafhopper and the cave cockroach. However, I'm still kind of concerned about what might happen if they broke out. It's never a good idea to introduce foreign creatures into an ecosystem, especially if they're as versatile and difficult to kill off and contain as cockroaches are. Maybe I'll just stick to glowing fish. XD
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