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30 year old Male
Last online 9年弱 ago
Mmmhmm, reminds me a time I played a fighting game with a guy over in china, and he spoke broken english
Haha I've learned about twenty, but I recognize them and their meaning more than I actually read them. I was helping my friends with their English in exchange, so the learning went both ways.
Wow, your friends are good ones, teaching another language is hard. Lol I only remember 1-10 kanji XD
Urgh, yes. I didn't even have a legit teacher, I just had friends overseas that helped me out through Skype, my sister's college textbook and a couple dictionaries, so I'm still at a first-grader's level when it comes to kanji.
I'm working through a Japanese translation of one of my favorite books, practicing kanji-reading. It's a pain, the one thing about the Japanese language that I don't like and can't seem to get the hang of. x . x
Batman's alright. He is a pretty cool character and I like the way he's written. I find myself not being able to fully invest in the story, though; I'm not sure why.
I'm not that crazy about Spiderman either... I'm more a fan of Captain America, Nick Fury, and Ironman. Superman is also pretty cool, but more for nostalgia purposes, LOL. I loved the first and second Superman movies as a kid. The DS movie had well-known actors more than they had good actors. As talented as Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham-Carter are, they didn't exactly respect the material. Also, keep in mind that the story was poorly done as well, and a lot of the plots were misinterpreted and twisted from the original. The two names are Gilbert and Sullivan. I could list some classic movies for you, if you like.
They did do a reboot, but I tend to glean from both timelines. I liked certain elements in the reboot, and I liked certain elements from the originals. The original Dark Shadows was about a family in New England who had a past involving the occult. The story was very complex but very engaging and dark. The movie was despised even by people who hadn't seen the original series, it was so poorly done. Which full name are you asking about? True, not all old movies are awesome, but the classics certainly are.
No, I've watched all of the Avengers movies: Thor, Captain America, some of the Hulk movies, etc. The problem is I'm still more reliant on the comics than the movies for background info, especially when it comes to Ironman and Thor. I couldn't stand the movie for 21JS. I watched the original series and loved it as a teen because it dealt with serious issues and real life. The movie was just a mish-mash of bad jokes and idiocy mocking everything I had loved about the original. Same case with Dark Shadows, only DS was a series that had a gothic, whimsical feeling to it and brought a kind of strange dignity to the classic horror novels, despite the fact that it was a live-broadcast soap opera with plenty of its own endearing faults. G&S appeals to me because of the humor, the multiple meanings, the satirical elements of the stories and the music. My OCD is part of me. It's not as bad now as it was when I was a little kid, but it's still annoying at times, LOL. I'm not offended when people joke about it unless I'm the personal target, so no worries. Another good thing IMO about old movies is the high quality of both acting and story.
Yes, I was diagnosed with OCD when I was... twelve or thirteen. The doctor had me on Prozac for a while, but after a rather horrible incident where they switched my medication without letting me know, I decided to put my faith in caffeine and nothing else, LOL. G&S actually wrote operattas, which are a form of stageplay. The only operetta that was turned into a movie was Pirates of Penzance, and while Mabel's character is still as annoying as she was meant to be, the performance is hilarious and Kevin Kline makes a great Pirate King. I watch a lot of old movies... XD The Court Jester, To Catch A Thief, Mr. Smith Goes To Washington... and a lot of old shows, which is why I wanted to burn down the local theater after watching the movies 21 Jump Street and Dark Shadows. >,< Nobody understood why though, so I held off on the arson. Besides, The Avengers was coming out soon!
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