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30 year old Male
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Red @redhawk left a comment for blazingbow1
Jul 01, 13 at 2:47pm
4a. Hell is Evil, here is the lore behind the first war: The first War between Heaven and Hell started with The Angelian named Arcanedeus Reficul Natas. Angelians are a race of humans that have wings and elvenlike features which live in Utopia, The Kingdom in the Heavens. As a Member of the Utopian High Council, Arcanedeus refused to follow Angelian beliefs in serving the Divines and the fact that he looked down on other races believing that Angelians were Gods among the other inferior races. Therefore the High Council banished Arcanedeus. Falling to Terra, he swore revenge on Utopia. Eventually he made his way into the Order of Holy Knights and Befriended the Knight Valor. He hid his wings before he joined and blended in. He was searching for the evil sword Chaosbringer (combined word sounds awesome) in order to obtain power. When he finally found the Sword, it let out all the evil in him and his appearance changed as he sprouted Horns from his head, his body grew in size, his eyes went Black and pupils turned White. When the Order discovered what he did, they searched and was nowhere to be found, and Arcanedeus attacked Utopia and destroyed it, so Utopia fell from Heavens. Arcanedeus formed the Dark Order and the Remains of Utopia became Hell itself. Arcanedeus led a campaign to conquer all of Terra but was met by the Holy Order, and War between heaven and Hell had begun. Also when I was creating the villian Arcanedeus, I based him off the Devil, as both have a similar background, after all the Devil was once a Angel. His middle and last name are both the Devil's name backwards.
Red @redhawk left a comment for blazingbow1
Jul 01, 13 at 2:45pm
nah man I welcome your honest insight, thats why I asked for your opinion. yea I know "boy with destiny because of his ancestor and now he has to save the world" is getting kinda old, but I thought up of this story during my freshman years in high school, which was about 6 years ago, and that genre hasnt been explored as much back then, and now you have all this stuff about people with destiny. to answer your questions 1a. Yes there is a Heroine, which is the Character's love Interest 2a. Valor left Terra, because at the end of his fight, he pretty much became a god and there was nothing left for him on Terra anymore, but has given what remains of the Order the knowledge to rebuild and how to keep the Magic Seal on Arcanedeus's prison secure without Valor being there. 3a. When the Dark Order is organizing it's forces, they are aware that the Holy Order has the means of keeping Arcanedeus sealed away. But the Holy Order has an Alternative plan in case they fail in keeping the seal on Arcanedeus secure, that they go find the recent descendant of Valor on Earth and send Zadklas (A member of the Order, and a descendant of one of the original Heroes who helped Valor defeat Arcanedeus) to earth to find Ken, and the Dark becomes aware of this and send a few of their members after Zadklas and to also find and Valor's descendant.
Red @redhawk left a comment for blazingbow1
Jul 01, 13 at 2:44pm
Red @redhawk left a comment for blazingbow1
Jun 30, 13 at 9:01pm
well this is the first title I'm working on: Tears of Terra The one story begins when a teen named Ken, who lives on earth but always felt like he never belonged there, he begins to think that something exciting would happen to make his lifestyle better and not too dull. Truth is that he is the descendant of a hero named Valor from Earth's twin planet named Terra which exists within a parallel dimension. On Terra, the things we believe as Fantasy exist, like Magick for example. But years ago on Terra there was a war between Heaven and Hell. The Holy Order of Knights fought in the name of Heaven while the Dark Order fought in the name of Arcanedeus who created Hell. Valor managed to defeat Arcanedeus and seal him away for many years, and Valor soon left Terra to travel to Earth via the Dimensional Rift. After many years of imprisonment, the magic seal on Arcanedeus is weakening and the Dark Order will make their move to free Arcanedeus, so the Holy Order of knights will need the powers of Valor in the new fight against evil and send one of their Knights, Zadklas to Earth to find Ken. But the Dark Order is also aware of this plan and send their own agents follow Zadklas through the Dimensional Rift to Earth. The battle on Terra will renew once again, and who will reach Ken first. what do you think of the story summary so far? its the first story arc
Red @redhawk left a comment for blazingbow1
Jun 30, 13 at 12:05pm
can I get your opinion on a manga I'm working on?
maki2099 @maki2099 left a comment for blazingbow1
Jun 25, 13 at 6:57pm
OMG, I thought I as the only one! I get most of mine at Hot Topic or at local flea markets.
Red @redhawk left a comment for blazingbow1
Jun 25, 13 at 11:29am
Red @redhawk left a comment for blazingbow1
Jun 24, 13 at 5:45pm
sounds awesome, but I rather do it myself, although I have a friend of mine who helps me out and gives me personal opinion on what he thinks
Red @redhawk left a comment for blazingbow1
Jun 24, 13 at 12:52am
Bakuman combo? whats that? yea I may have dug myself a grave, but I intend to not end up in it, I have been working on these stories constantly, so there is a plot to most of them so thats out of the way. so now I'm focusing on my main and 1st manga
Red @redhawk left a comment for blazingbow1
Jun 23, 13 at 9:26pm
True that, its a dream for me to make my mangas but im always getting sidetracked so I could never focus on them and when I do sit down and write/draw, I get writers block and artists blocks, so i go on long walks to figure out a storyline and in the process I create another different idea for a manga. Now I have around 12 mangas I'm working on. Lol its been quite a while lol
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